The Computer Language
25.03 Benchmarks Game

spectral-norm sorted-by "secs"

Always look at the source code.

(Lumpers and Splitters.)

Some of these programs are single-thread and some are multi-thread: compare "secs" and "cpu secs". Some of these programs are un-optimised and some are heavily optimised: sort-by "gz" source code size.

Some of these programs are "naked ffi" and some put that in a library. Some of these programs are high-level and some are hand-written vector instructions.

Always look at the source code.

  * possible hand-written vector instructions or "unsafe"
× source secs mem gz cpu secs
1.0 * C gcc #6 0.40 3,199 1203 1.59
1.8 * C gcc #5 0.72 3,858 576 2.85
1.8 * Rust #6 0.72 3,981 1132 2.85
1.8 Rust #5 0.72 4,018 1062 2.85
1.8 Rust #4 0.72 4,047 823 2.85
1.8 * C gcc #7 0.72 4,067 906 2.85
1.8 * C gcc #4 0.72 3,719 1145 2.86
1.8 Intel Fortran #3 0.72 5,214 644 2.85
1.8 * Rust 0.72 4,104 1262 2.86
1.8 * Rust #2 0.72 4,145 1117 2.86
1.8 * C++g++ #6 0.72 3,981 1050 2.86
1.8 * C# naot #5 0.74 8,057 776 2.88
1.8 * Rust #3 0.74 4,121 1060 2.93
1.9 * Ada 2012 GNAT #4 0.77 8,569 2777 2.98
1.9 Chapel #2 0.78 10,052 348 2.90
2.3 * F# #6 0.95 47,010 697 3.31
3.2 Julia #4 1.31 315,896 435 3.72
3.3 * C++ g++ #5 1.33 5,820 1050 5.27
3.6 C gcc #3 1.43 4,080 470 5.69
3.6 Go #4 1.43 4,174 555 5.69
3.6 Swift #3 1.45 13,689 607 5.70
3.6 Free Pascal #3 1.46 3,879 656 5.72
3.6 Free Pascal #2 1.46 3,793 548 5.72
3.6 Dart aot #6 1.46 19,603 1202 5.71
3.6 Java naot #3 1.47 29,483 762 5.72
3.6 C# naot #2 1.47 6,644 1084 5.72
3.7 Java naot #2 1.47 26,616 956 5.71
3.7 Lisp SBCL #3 1.47 29,598 893 5.72
3.7 Lisp SBCL #7 1.47 29,258 769 5.72
3.7 Lisp SBCL #2 1.48 29,274 920 5.72
3.7 C# naot #3 1.48 6,808 890 5.79
3.7 Lisp SBCL #9 1.48 28,799 799 5.72
3.7 Haskell GHC #4 1.49 10,052 994 5.70
3.7 Ada 2012 GNAT #3 1.49 8,475 1725 5.72
3.7 Chapel 1.50 10,076 322 5.75
3.7 Go #2 1.51 4,317 674 5.70
3.8 C++ g++ #7 1.53 4,071 1284 6.05
3.8 Dart aot #2 1.54 20,505 1173 5.72
3.9 F# #2 1.59 44,683 864 5.83
4.0 F# #4 1.60 46,375 738 5.86
4.0 Node.js #6 1.60 116,212 1002 6.01
6.6 Intel Fortran #2 2.67 2,331 520 2.67
7.0 Julia #2 2.84 414,818 377 5.81
9.8 * Racket #3 3.97 128,840 639 14.86
13 OCaml #2 5.34 6,074 383 5.33
13 Go 5.34 4,059 417 5.35
13 Go #8 5.34 3,838 429 5.35
13 C++ g++ 5.34 5,292 459 5.34
13 Dart aot 5.34 9,060 468 5.34
13 Ada 2012 GNAT 5.35 6,091 725 5.34
13 C# naot #8 5.35 6,820 441 5.34
13 Java naot #8 5.35 20,886 453 5.34
13 Java naot 5.36 25,215 521 5.35
13 Swift #8 5.36 24,859 411 5.35
13 Lisp SBCL #6 5.36 29,557 512 5.35
13 Lisp SBCL 5.37 29,782 639 5.35
13 Node.js #7 5.40 66,163 420 5.40
13 C gcc #8 5.41 3,219 389 5.40
13 Node.js 5.41 67,637 326 5.41
16 Node.js #8 6.53 66,642 355 6.53
21 Dart aot #8 8.38 9,994 422 8.38
27 Erlang #2 11.05 76,771 753 42.67
29 Free Pascal 11.81 532 429 11.80
38 * Racket #2 15.19 126,857 539 15.14
40 * Haskell GHC #2 15.99 12,648 410 16.09
45 PHP 18.29 24,682 1157 72.34
62 Perl #4 24.85 14,885 562 98.03
74 Racket 29.73 129,208 452 29.68
88 PHP #3 35.62 26,657 1214 141.20
132 Pharo Smalltalk 53.39 142,340 683 53.68
140 Ruby #5 56.52 43,725 764 207.29
159 Erlang 63.91 68,399 513 63.93
193 Lua 77.63 3,568 335 77.61
224 Python 3 #4 90.37 34,693 415 5 min
238 Perl 96.09 10,101 340 96.05
239 Perl #5 96.18 10,162 346 96.15
273 Python 3 #7 109.91 34,578 425 7 min
313 Ruby #4 126.05 20,025 333 125.99
324 Perl #3 130.52 14,729 857 8 min
330 PHP #2 132.84 16,810 403 132.78
337 PHP #8 135.79 16,601 357 135.74
436 Ruby #8 175.57 19,132 294 175.51
  Python 3 #6 5 min 13,660 334 5 min
  Python 3 #8 6 min 12,833 334 6 min
  Perl #2 8 min 9,581 350 8 min
C gcc #2 Empty
Rust #7 Empty