The Computer Language
25.03 Benchmarks Game

spectral-norm Chapel #2 program

source code

/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game

   contributed by Brad Chamberlain
   derived from the Chapel version by Lydia Duncan et al.
   and the Julia version by Adam Beckmeyer and Vincent Yu

config const n = 500;           // the size of A (n x n), u and v (n-vectors)

proc main() {
  var tmp, u, v: [0..<n] real;

  u = 1.0;

  for 1..10 {
    multiplyAtAv(u, tmp, v);    // v = A^T*A*u
    multiplyAtAv(v, tmp, u);    // u = A^T*A*v

  writef("%.9dr\n", sqrt(+ reduce (u*v) / + reduce (v*v)));

// Compute A-transpose * A * v ('AtAv')
proc multiplyAtAv(v, ref tmp, ref AtAv) {
  multiplyAv(v, tmp);
  multiplyAtv(tmp, AtAv);

// Compute A * v ('Av')
proc multiplyAv(v: [?Dv], ref Av: [?DAv]) {
  forall i in DAv do
    Av[i] = + reduce (for j in Dv by 2 do (A[i,j]*v[j] + A[i,j+1]*v[j+1]));

// Compute A-tranpose * v ('Atv')
proc multiplyAtv(v: [?Dv], ref Atv: [?DAtv]) {
  forall i in DAtv do
    Atv[i] = + reduce (for j in Dv by 2 do (A[j,i]*v[j] + A[j+1,i]*v[j+1]));

// Compute element i,j of the conceptually infinite matrix A
inline proc A(i: real, j: real) {
  return 1.0 / ((((i+j) * (i+j+1)) / 2) + i + 1);

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
chpl version  2.3.0
built with LLVM version 19.1.1
Copyright 2020-2024
Hewlett Packard
Enterprise Development LP
Copyright 2004-2019 Cray Inc.

 Sun, 23 Feb 2025 18:12:33 GMT

mv spectralnorm.chapel-2.chapel spectralnorm.chapel-2.chpl
/opt/src/chapel-2.3.0/bin/linux64-x86_64/chpl --fast spectralnorm.chapel-2.chpl -o spectralnorm.chapel-2.chapel_run
rm spectralnorm.chapel-2.chpl

20.39 seconds to complete and log all make actions

 ./spectralnorm.chapel-2.chapel_run --n=5500
