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Java vs Java Corretto - Which programs are fastest?

The Computer Language
23.03 Benchmarks Game

Java versus Java Corretto fastest performance

Always look at the source code.

If the fastest programs are hand-written vector instructions, does the host language matter? You might be more interested in the less optimised programs — more seconds, less gz source code.

source secs mem gz cpu secs
Java 9.88 42,988 1289 38.79
Java #3 41.41 42,648 1264 41.49
Java #2 45.51 40,788 520 45.56
source secs mem gz cpu secs
Java #5 6.79 41,852 1435 6.84
Java #4 6.88 41,524 1495 6.93
Java #3 7.47 41,608 1436 7.52
Java #2 7.49 41,856 1430 7.54
Java 7.83 42,180 1437 7.88
source secs mem gz cpu secs
Java 5.70 43,000 521 5.77
Java #3 1.67 43,396 762 6.22
Java #2 1.73 42,584 956 6.57
source secs mem gz cpu secs
Java #4 4.40 104,332 667 16.12
Java #2 4.13 86,296 802 16.26
Java #6 4.28 86,040 808 16.89
Java 25.70 41,976 671 25.76
Java #3 7.81 90,536 910 30.88
source secs mem gz cpu secs
Java #3 0.93 40,828 770 0.96
Java #2 1.35 44,468 944 1.42
Java 7.67 504,464 807 8.66
source secs mem gz cpu secs
Java 8.46 668,608 875 16.66
Java #3 5.26 672,112 935 16.85
Java #6 5.62 1,236,384 746 17.22
source secs mem gz cpu secs
Java #4 3.19 42,732 1528 3.28
Java #6 1.18 48,744 2549 3.68
Java #5 1.24 48,848 2478 4.14
Java #2 4.34 47,392 1259 4.49
source secs mem gz cpu secs
Java 4.59 362,132 1821 14.87
Java #6 7.19 359,480 1614 25.19
Java #3 7.13 358,940 1642 25.21
Java #4 39.71 209,956 1887 40.17
Java #5 20.53 215,532 2225 45.93
source secs mem gz cpu secs
Java #6 3.34 2,031,280 760 3.97
Java #5 4.73 1,096,488 1115 4.87
Java #4 5.46 1,889,724 656 5.57
Java #7 22.92 1,035,744 1654 6.29
Java #3   Bad Output  
Java #8   Bad Output  
source secs mem gz cpu secs
Java #6 4.83 2,110,164 535 5.54
Java #3 4.81 2,104,532 546 5.55
Java #4 4.99 2,108,280 846 5.70
Java #2 5.16 2,349,640 558 5.92
Java #7 2.56 1,723,764 841 8.08

java 21.0.2 2024-01-16 LTS

Java Corretto

openjdk 19.0.2 2023-01-17
OpenJDK Runtime Environment
(build 19.0.2+7-FR)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
(build 19.0.2+7-FR
mixed mode, sharing)