The programs have been crowd sourced, contributed to the project by an ever-changing self-selected group.
Programs age. Language implementations add new features. New programs are needed to show the modern language. n-bodyDouble-precision N-body simulation fannkuch-reduxIndexed-access to tiny integer-sequence spectral-normEigenvalue using the power method mandelbrotGenerate Mandelbrot set portable bitmap file pidigitsStreaming arbitrary-precision arithmetic regex-reduxMatch DNA 8-mers and substitute magic patterns fastaGenerate and write random DNA sequences k-nucleotideHashtable update and k-nucleotide strings reverse-complementRead DNA sequences - write their reverse-complement binary-treesAllocate and deallocate many many binary trees startupAdd a naive in-process warmup phase and separate measurement phase to n-body programs
Double-precision N-body simulation
Indexed-access to tiny integer-sequence
Eigenvalue using the power method
Generate Mandelbrot set portable bitmap file
Streaming arbitrary-precision arithmetic
Match DNA 8-mers and substitute magic patterns
Generate and write random DNA sequences
Hashtable update and k-nucleotide strings
Read DNA sequences - write their reverse-complement
Allocate and deallocate many many binary trees
Add a naive in-process warmup phase and separate measurement phase to n-body programs