binary-trees Swift #3 program
source code
// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// Swift adaptation of binary-trees Go #8,
// that in turn is based on Rust #4.
// Used DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform() to launch the
// worker threads.
// contributed by Marcel Ibes
import Dispatch
import Foundation
indirect enum Tree {
case Empty
case Node(left: Tree, right: Tree)
func itemCheck(_ tree: Tree) -> UInt32 {
switch tree {
case .Node(let left, let right):
switch (left, right) {
case (.Empty, .Empty):
return 1
return 1 + itemCheck(left) + itemCheck(right)
case .Empty:
return 1
func bottomUpTree(_ depth: UInt32) -> Tree {
if depth > 0 {
return .Node(left: bottomUpTree(depth - 1),
right: bottomUpTree(depth - 1))
return .Node(left: .Empty, right: .Empty)
func inner(depth: UInt32, iterations: UInt32) -> String {
var chk = UInt32(0)
for _ in 0..<iterations {
let a = bottomUpTree(depth)
chk += itemCheck(a)
return "\(iterations)\t trees of depth \(depth)\t check: \(chk)"
let n: UInt32
if CommandLine.argc > 1 {
n = UInt32(CommandLine.arguments[1]) ?? UInt32(10)
} else {
n = 10
let minDepth = UInt32(4)
let maxDepth = (n > minDepth + 2) ? n : minDepth + 2
var messages: [UInt32: String] = [:]
let depth = maxDepth + 1
let group = DispatchGroup()
let workerQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "workerQueue", qos: .userInteractive, attributes: .concurrent)
let messageQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "messageQueue", qos: .background)
workerQueue.async {
let tree = bottomUpTree(depth)
messageQueue.async {
messages[0] = "stretch tree of depth \(depth)\t check: \(itemCheck(tree))"
workerQueue.async {
let longLivedTree = bottomUpTree(maxDepth)
messageQueue.async {
messages[UINT32_MAX] = "long lived tree of depth \(maxDepth)\t check: \(itemCheck(longLivedTree))"
let halfDepth = (minDepth / 2)
let halfMaxDepth = (maxDepth / 2 + 1)
let itt = Int(halfMaxDepth - halfDepth)
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: itt, execute: { idx in
let depth = (halfDepth + UInt32(idx)) * 2
let iterations = UInt32(1 << (maxDepth - depth + minDepth))
workerQueue.async {
let msg = inner(depth: depth, iterations: iterations)
messageQueue.async {
messages[depth] = msg
// Wait for all the operations to finish
for msg in messages.sorted(by: { $0.0 < $1.0 }) {
notes, command-line, and program output
64-bit Ubuntu quad core
Swift version 6.0.3
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Sat, 22 Feb 2025 23:24:00 GMT
/opt/src/swift-6.0.3-RELEASE/usr/bin/swiftc binarytrees.swift-3.swift -Ounchecked -wmo -o binarytrees.swift-3.swift_run
18.46 seconds to complete and log all make actions
./binarytrees.swift-3.swift_run 21
stretch tree of depth 22 check: 8388607
2097152 trees of depth 4 check: 65011712
524288 trees of depth 6 check: 66584576
131072 trees of depth 8 check: 66977792
32768 trees of depth 10 check: 67076096
8192 trees of depth 12 check: 67100672
2048 trees of depth 14 check: 67106816
512 trees of depth 16 check: 67108352
128 trees of depth 18 check: 67108736
32 trees of depth 20 check: 67108832
long lived tree of depth 21 check: 4194303