source code
! The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
! original C program by Francesco Abbate
! Fortran version by Vladimir Fuka
! *reset*
module apr
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer(c_int) function apr_initialize() bind(C)
end function
type(c_ptr) function apr_palloc(p,size) bind(C)
type(c_ptr), value :: p
integer(c_size_t), value :: size
end function
integer(c_int) function apr_pool_create_unmanaged_ex(newpool, abort_fn, allocator) bind(C)
type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: newpool
type(c_funptr), value :: abort_fn
type(c_funptr), value :: allocator
end function
subroutine apr_pool_clear(p) bind(C)
type(c_ptr),value :: p
end subroutine
subroutine apr_pool_destroy(p) bind(C)
type(c_ptr),value :: p
end subroutine
end interface
integer(c_int) function abrt(i) bind(C)
integer(c_int), value ,intent(in) :: i
abrt = i
error stop
end function
end module apr
module trees
use iso_c_binding
use apr
implicit none
type node
type(node), pointer :: left
type(node), pointer :: right
end type
recursive integer function node_check(n) result(res)
type(node), intent(in) :: n
integer lc,rc
if (associated(n%left)) then
lc = node_check(n%left)
rc = node_check(n%right)
res = lc + 1 + rc
res = 1
end function
recursive function make(depth, pool) result(res)
type(node),pointer :: res
type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: pool
integer, intent(in) :: depth
call c_f_pointer( apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(res)), res)
if (depth > 0) then
res%left => make(depth - 1, pool)
res%right => make(depth - 1, pool)
res%left => null()
res%right => null()
end if
end function
end module trees
program main
use iso_c_binding
use apr
use trees
implicit none
integer, parameter :: line_size = 64
type(c_ptr) :: long_lived_pool
integer,parameter :: min_depth = 4
integer :: req_depth, max_depth, stretch_depth
integer(c_int) :: tmp
character(32) :: str
type(node),pointer :: long_lived_tree
integer d,iterations,c,i
type(c_ptr) :: store
type(node),pointer :: a, b, curr
character(line_size),dimension(:),allocatable :: outputstr
character, parameter :: t = achar(9)
type(c_funptr):: abrtptr
abrtptr = c_funloc(abrt)
if (command_argument_count()==1) then
call get_command_argument(1,str)
read(str,*) req_depth
req_depth = 10
end if
if (req_depth > min_depth+2) then
max_depth = req_depth
max_depth = min_depth + 2
end if
stretch_depth = max_depth+1
tmp = apr_initialize()
! Alloc then dealloc stretchdepth tree
tmp = apr_pool_create_unmanaged_ex(store, abrtptr, c_null_funptr)
curr => make(stretch_depth, store)
write(*,"(2(a,i0))") "stretch tree of depth ",stretch_depth, t//" check: ", node_check(curr)
call apr_pool_destroy(store)
tmp = apr_pool_create_unmanaged_ex(long_lived_pool, abrtptr, c_null_funptr)
long_lived_tree => make(max_depth, long_lived_pool)
!$omp parallel do private(store, a, b, c, i, iterations, tmp) schedule(dynamic,1)
do d = min_depth, max_depth, 2
iterations = ishft(1, max_depth - d + min_depth)
c = 0
tmp = apr_pool_create_unmanaged_ex(store, abrtptr, c_null_funptr)
do i = 1,iterations
a => make( d, store)
c = c+ node_check(a)
call apr_pool_clear(store)
end do
call apr_pool_destroy(store)
write(outputstr(d),"(2(i0,a),i0)") iterations,t//" trees of depth ", d ,t//" check: ", c
end do
!$omp end parallel do
do d = min_depth, max_depth, 2
write(*,"(a)") trim(outputstr(d))
end do
write(*,"(2(a,i0))") "long lived tree of depth ", max_depth ,t//" check: ", node_check(long_lived_tree)
end program