source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks game
Contributed by Diogo
+ null safety
import 'dart:isolate';
void main(List<String> args) async {
int n = int.parse(args.elementAt(0));
var d = 4;
/// Define min and max iterations
var maxIter = (n <= 4)
? 4
: (n % 2 == 0)
? n
: n - 1;
var maxIterId = (maxIter - 4) / 2;
/// Variables for output control on flow
var expectedId = 'stretch-tree';
var iterResult = 0;
/// Create map for storing data
var results = Map<String, dynamic>();
var status = Map<String, bool>();
/// Set final status to finish loop of output
status['finished'] = false;
/// Create a port for dealing with results
ReceivePort port = new ReceivePort();
port.listen((dataReceived) {
/// Data received will be a ResultTreeMessage
/// Store data received from message
ResultTreeMessage data = dataReceived as ResultTreeMessage;
results[] = data;
status[] = true;
/// We will use this main isolate to print results
/// Create event loop to check if ordered result has arrived
var nextIdStatus = true;
while (nextIdStatus == true) {
if (status[expectedId] == true) {
if (expectedId == 'stretch-tree') {
/// Get stretch tree result and output
var result = results['stretch-tree'] as ResultTreeMessage;
int checkVal = result.check;
print("stretch tree of depth ${n + 1}\t check: ${checkVal}");
/// Change expectedId to first iter tree: 0-tree
expectedId = "${iterResult}-tree";
} else if (expectedId == 'long-lived-tree') {
/// Get long lived tree result and output
var result = results['long-lived-tree'] as ResultTreeMessage;
int checkVal = result.check;
print("long lived tree of depth ${n}\t check: ${checkVal}");
/// Change expectedId to 'finished' to avoid errors
expectedId = 'finished';
nextIdStatus = false;
/// Close port because we finished job
} else {
/// Get current iter result we are looking for
var iterId = "${iterResult}-tree";
if (status[iterId] == true) {
/// If it is done
/// Get iter trees result and output
var result = results[iterId] as ResultTreeMessage;
int niter = result.niter;
int depth = result.depth;
int check = result.check;
print("${niter}\t trees of depth ${depth}\t check: ${check}");
/// If we achieved maxIter than we go to long lived tree
if (iterResult == maxIterId) {
/// Reached end of iter go to long lived tree
expectedId = "long-lived-tree";
} else {
/// Keep iterating trees
/// Set expectedId to next integer
iterResult += 1;
expectedId = "${iterResult}-tree";
/// Don't continue unless next result is already available
nextIdStatus = false;
if (status[expectedId] == true) {
nextIdStatus = true;
/// Keep track of all isolates
/// And start making isolates to create trees
final isolates = <Isolate>[];
/// Stretch Tree
/// Uses depth of n + 1
/// Keep id as 'stretch-tree'
StartMessage stretchStartMessage =
new StartMessage(n + 1, 'stretch-tree', false, port.sendPort, 0);
status['stretch-tree'] = false;
isolates.add(await Isolate.spawn(runIsoCheckTree, stretchStartMessage));
/// Long Lived Tree
/// Uses depth of n
/// Keep id as 'long-lived-tree'
StartMessage longLivedStartMessage =
new StartMessage(n, 'long-lived-tree', true, port.sendPort, 0);
status['long-lived-tree'] = false;
isolates.add(await Isolate.spawn(runIsoCheckTree, longLivedStartMessage));
/// Start iterating by steps of 2
/// Begin at d (which is 4) and goes up to maxIter
/// Id of each tree will be '${niter}-tree'
d = 4;
var iterId = 0;
while (d <= n) {
var idIter = "${iterId}-tree";
StartMessage message = new StartMessage(d, idIter, false, port.sendPort, n);
status[idIter] = false;
isolates.add(await Isolate.spawn(runIsoIterationFor, message));
iterId += 1;
d += 2;
/// Port will receive messages as soon as they get ready and print them
/// Define a message for sending isolate data
class StartMessage {
int depth;
var id;
bool keepTree;
SendPort port;
int n;
StartMessage(this.depth,, this.keepTree, this.port, this.n);
/// Define a message for receiving data
class ResultTreeMessage {
var id;
List? tree;
int check;
int depth;
int niter;
ResultTreeMessage(, this.tree, this.check, this.depth, this.niter);
void runIsoCheckTree(StartMessage message) {
/// Creating tree of depth n
List tree = make(message.depth);
/// Making check on that tree
int checkVal = check(tree);
if (message.keepTree == true) {
/// Return value and tree if tree is kept - use Isolate Port for it
new ResultTreeMessage(, tree, checkVal, message.depth, 0));
} else {
/// Return only value if tree is not kept - use Isolate Port for it
new ResultTreeMessage(, null, checkVal, message.depth, 0));
/// Get message containing depth and define number of trees to iterate over
void runIsoIterationFor(StartMessage message) {
int niter = 1 << (message.n - message.depth + 4);
int checkVal = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= niter; i++) {
/// Create tree and check number of nodes
final List tree = make(message.depth);
final int c = check(tree);
/// Add number of nodes to master value
checkVal += c;
new ResultTreeMessage(, null, checkVal, message.depth, niter));
/// Trees will be defined by Lists of Lists containing always 2 elements
/// make => Create recursive lists of 2 elements
List make(int depth) {
List tree = List.filled(2, null);
if (depth != 0) {
tree[0] = make(depth - 1);
tree[1] = make(depth - 1);
return tree;
/// check => Runs through lists of list and get number of items
int check(List node) {
return (node[0] == null) ? 1 : 1 + check(node[0]) + check(node[1]);
notes, command-line, and program output
64-bit Ubuntu quad core
Dart SDK version: 3.7.0 (stable)
Wed Feb 5 04:53:58 2025
Sat, 22 Feb 2025 01:49:47 GMT
/opt/src/dart-sdk/bin/dart analyze
Analyzing tmp...
No issues found!
/opt/src/dart-sdk/bin/dart compile exe binarytrees.dartexe-3.dartexe -o binarytrees.dartexe-3.dartexe_run
Generated: /home/dunham/all-benchmarksgame/benchmarksgame_i53330/binarytrees/tmp/binarytrees.dartexe-3.dartexe_run
6.15 seconds to complete and log all make actions
./binarytrees.dartexe-3.dartexe_run 21
stretch tree of depth 22 check: 8388607
2097152 trees of depth 4 check: 65011712
524288 trees of depth 6 check: 66584576
131072 trees of depth 8 check: 66977792
32768 trees of depth 10 check: 67076096
8192 trees of depth 12 check: 67100672
2048 trees of depth 14 check: 67106816
512 trees of depth 16 check: 67108352
128 trees of depth 18 check: 67108736
32 trees of depth 20 check: 67108832
long lived tree of depth 21 check: 4194303