The Computer Language
24.12 Benchmarks Game

Wtf kind of benchmark counts the jvm startup time?


How much difference does it make for these tiny programs? otoh For measurements of tenths of a second, tenths of a second is a huge difference. otoh For measurements of seconds and tens-of-seconds, JVM startup, JIT, OSR… are quickly effective.

100 in-process fannkuch-redux Java #8 elapsed secs measurements

100 in-process fannkuch-redux Java #12 elapsed secs measurements

Some experimental studies show 10.9% of process executions don't reach a steady state of peak performance; and 43.5% of process executions were inconsistent; and sometimes they are slower than what came before.


Let's compare the fastest no warmup—include startup-costs—measurements against the fastest JMH after startup & warmup SampleTime p(0.0000) and mean measurements:


java 22 2024-03-19 SampleTime Mean
i5-3330 No warmup JMH after startup & warmup
fannkuch-redux #1 10.145 9.815 10.343 N = 35
fannkuch-redux #2 46.275 42.480 43.100 N = 25
fannkuch-redux #3 40.162 39.796 40.378 N = 25
n-body #1 7.892 7.718 7.740 N = 50
n-body #2 7.577 7.332 7.361 N = 50
n-body #3 7.624 7.374 7.390 N = 50
n-body #4 6.905 6.795 6.827 N = 50
n-body #5 6.793 6.677 6.689 N = 50
spectral-norm #1 7.074 6.795 6.800 N = 50
spectral-norm #2 2.375 1.950 2.110 N = 131
spectral-norm #3 1.681 1.569 1.593 N = 175


Let's make an increasing series, each performing one iteration more than the last. Measure elapsed-seconds to include startup-costs and warmup-costs. Average elapsed-seconds per number of in-process iterations to amortize those costs:

fannkuch-redux Java #8 elapsed secs per iteration

nbody Java #8 elapsed secs per iteration

spectral-norm Java #8 elapsed secs per iteration

mandelbrot Java #8 elapsed secs per iteration

fasta Java #8 elapsed secs per iteration