source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
contributed by Lydia Duncan, Albert Sidelnik, and Brad Chamberlain
derived from the GNU C version by Sebastien Loisel and the C# version
by Isaac Gouy
config const n = 500; // the size of A (n x n), u and v (n-vectors)
proc main() {
var tmp, u, v: [0..#n] real;
u = 1.0;
for 1..10 {
multiplyAtAv(u, tmp, v); // v = A^T*A*u
multiplyAtAv(v, tmp, u); // u = A^T*A*v
writef("%.9dr\n", sqrt(+ reduce (u*v) / + reduce (v*v)));
// Compute A-transpose * A * v ('AtAv').
proc multiplyAtAv(v, tmp, AtAv) {
multiplyAv(v, tmp);
multiplyAtv(tmp, AtAv);
// Compute A * v ('Av').
proc multiplyAv(v: [?Dv], Av: [?DAv]) {
forall i in DAv do
Av[i] = + reduce (for j in Dv do A[i,j] * v[j]);
// Compute A-tranpose * v ('Atv').
proc multiplyAtv(v: [?Dv], Atv: [?DAtv]) {
forall i in DAtv do
Atv[i] = + reduce (for j in Dv do A[j,i] * v[j]);
// Compute element i,j of the conceptually infinite matrix A.
inline proc A(i, j) {
return 1.0 / ((((i+j) * (i+j+1)) / 2) + i + 1);
notes, command-line, and program output
64-bit Ubuntu quad core
chpl version 1.22.0
Copyright 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Copyright (c) 2004-2019, Cray Inc.
Wed, 06 May 2020 22:52:18 GMT
mv spectralnorm.chapel spectralnorm.chpl
/opt/src/chapel-1.22.0/bin/linux64-x86_64/chpl --target-cpu=core2 --fast spectralnorm.chpl -o spectralnorm.chapel_run
rm spectralnorm.chpl
27.83s to complete and log all make actions
./spectralnorm.chapel_run --n=5500