source code
! The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
! contributed by Andrei Jirnyi, modified from version by Steve Decker
! compilation:
! ifort -ipo -O3 revcomp.f90
program revcomp
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer(1), parameter :: iEndStr = iachar(">"), EOL=10
integer, parameter :: LW = 60, BUFSIZE = 1000
integer(1), dimension(:), allocatable :: data, w
integer(1) :: c, buf(BUFSIZE+1)
integer :: i=0, j=0, k=0, dsize = 1000000, newdsize, stat
logical :: intitle = .true.
integer(1), dimension(LW) :: title
character(len=LW) :: stitle
equivalence(title, stitle)
integer(1), dimension(65:121),parameter :: &
Complement = iachar((/ "T", "V", "G", &
"H", "E", "F", "C", "D", "I", "J", "M", "L", "K", "N", "O", "P", &
"Q", "Y", "S", "A", "A", "B", "W", "X", "R", (" ", stat = 90, 96), &
"T", "V", "G", "H", "E", "F", "C", "D", "I", "J", "M", "L", "K", &
"N", "O", "P", "Q", "Y", "S", "A", "A", "B", "W", "X", "R" /))
! Unformatted I/O is faster in ifort under linux.
open(unit=output_unit, access='stream',form='unformatted')
k = dsize ! position in the data array, decrementing
intitle = .true.
readFile: do
buf = EOL
read(input_unit, iostat=stat) buf(1:BUFSIZE)
i = 0 ! position in buffer
readBlock: do
if(intitle) then
readTitle: do ! read title until EOL
i = i+1
if(i>BUFSIZE) cycle readFile
c = buf(i)
if(c /= EOL) then
j = j+1 ! position in title
title(j) = c
intitle = .false.
exit readTitle
end if
end do readTitle
readData: do
i = i+1
if(i>BUFSIZE) cycle readFile
c = buf(i)
if(c /= EOL) then
data(k) = Complement(c)
k = k-1
else ! === EOL
if(k < 256) then ! reallocate array
newdsize = dsize*3
w(newdsize-dsize+1:) = data
call move_alloc(w,data)
k = k+newdsize-dsize
dsize = newdsize
end if
if(stat /=0) then
if(i<BUFSIZE .and. buf(i+1) == EOL) exit readFile
end if
if(buf(i+1) == iEndStr) then
intitle = .true.
call print_data
j = 0
k = dsize
cycle readBlock
end if
end if
end do readData
end if
end do readBlock
end do readFile
call print_data
subroutine print_data
integer(1), dimension(:), allocatable:: data1
integer :: lines, last, dlen, d1len, i1, j1
dlen = dsize-k
lines = dlen/LW
last = dlen - lines*LW
d1len = lines*(LW+1)
if(last>0) d1len=d1len+last+1
i1=1; j1=1;
! copy to data1, inserting EOL's
do i1=k+1, dsize-last, LW
data1(j1:j1+LW-1) = data(i1:i1+LW-1)
data1(j1+LW) = EOL
j1 = j1+LW+1
end do
if(last>0) then
data1(d1len-last:d1len-1) = data(dsize-last+1:dsize)
data1(d1len) = EOL
end if
write(output_unit) trim(stitle(1:j)), EOL
write(output_unit) data1
end subroutine print_data
end program revcomp