source code
// contributed by Michael Ganss
// derived from PHP version that was
// contributed by Oleksii Prudkyi
// port from pidigits.lua-5.lua (Mike Pall, Wim Couwenberg)
// modified by Craig Russell
// GmpInteger interop class from pidigits-csharpcore-3.cs by Miguel de Icaza
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace PiDigits
class Program
const int DigitsPerLine = 10;
static void Main(string[] args)
var n = int.Parse(args[0]);
var i = 1;
foreach (var d in GenDigits().Take(n))
if ((i % DigitsPerLine) == 0)
Console.Out.WriteLine("\t:" + i);
// Pad out any trailing digits for the final line
if ((n % DigitsPerLine) > 0)
Console.Out.WriteLine(new string(' ', (DigitsPerLine - (n % DigitsPerLine))) + "\t:" + n);
private static IEnumerable<int> GenDigits()
var k = 1;
var n1 = new GmpInteger(4);
var n2 = new GmpInteger(3);
var d = new GmpInteger(1);
var u = new GmpInteger();
var v = new GmpInteger();
var w = new GmpInteger(0);
while (true)
// digit
u.Div(n1, d);
v.Div(n2, d);
if (u.Cmp(v) == 0)
yield return u.IntValue();
// extract
u.Mul(u, -10);
u.Mul(u, d);
n1.Mul(n1, 10);
n1.Add(n1, u);
n2.Mul(n2, 10);
n2.Add(n2, u);
// produce
var k2 = k * 2;
u.Mul(n1, k2 - 1);
v.Add(n2, n2);
w.Mul(n1, k - 1);
n1.Add(u, v);
u.Mul(n2, k + 2);
n2.Add(w, u);
d.Mul(d, k2 + 1);
struct mpz_t
public int _mp_alloc;
public int _mp_size;
public IntPtr ptr;
class GmpInteger
public GmpInteger()
mpz_init(ref pointer);
public GmpInteger(int value)
mpz_init(ref pointer);
mpz_set_si(ref pointer, value);
public void Set(int value) => mpz_set_si(ref pointer, value);
public void Mul(GmpInteger op1, GmpInteger op2) =>
mpz_mul(ref pointer, ref op1.pointer, ref op2.pointer);
public void Mul(GmpInteger src, int val) =>
mpz_mul_si(ref pointer, ref src.pointer, val);
public void Add(GmpInteger op1, GmpInteger op2) =>
mpz_add(ref pointer, ref op1.pointer, ref op2.pointer);
public void Sub(GmpInteger op1, GmpInteger op2) =>
mpz_sub(ref pointer, ref op1.pointer, ref op2.pointer);
public void Div(GmpInteger op1, GmpInteger op2) =>
mpz_tdiv_q(ref pointer, ref op1.pointer, ref op2.pointer);
public int IntValue() => mpz_get_si(ref pointer);
public int Cmp(GmpInteger op1) =>
mpz_cmp(ref pointer, ref op1.pointer);
mpz_t pointer;
[DllImport("gmp", EntryPoint = "__gmpz_init")]
extern static void mpz_init(ref mpz_t value);
[DllImport("gmp", EntryPoint = "__gmpz_mul")]
extern static void mpz_mul(ref mpz_t dest, ref mpz_t op1, ref mpz_t op2);
[DllImport("gmp", EntryPoint = "__gmpz_mul_si")]
extern static void mpz_mul_si(ref mpz_t dest, ref mpz_t src, int val);
[DllImport("gmp", EntryPoint = "__gmpz_add")]
extern static void mpz_add(ref mpz_t dest, ref mpz_t src, ref mpz_t src2);
[DllImport("gmp", EntryPoint = "__gmpz_sub")]
extern static void mpz_sub(ref mpz_t dest, ref mpz_t src, ref mpz_t src2);
[DllImport("gmp", EntryPoint = "__gmpz_tdiv_q")]
extern static void mpz_tdiv_q(ref mpz_t dest, ref mpz_t src, ref mpz_t src2);
[DllImport("gmp", EntryPoint = "__gmpz_set_si")]
extern static void mpz_set_si(ref mpz_t src, int value);
[DllImport("gmp", EntryPoint = "__gmpz_get_si")]
extern static int mpz_get_si(ref mpz_t src);
[DllImport("gmp", EntryPoint = "__gmpz_cmp")]
extern static int mpz_cmp(ref mpz_t op1, ref mpz_t op2);