source code
! The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
! Author: Jannis Teunissen
! Heavily based on Fortran code contributed by Pascal Parois
! Compilation:
! gfortran -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=core2 \
! -fopenmp mandelbrot.f90 -o mandelbrot
! ifort -O3 -march=core2 -qopenmp mandelbrot.f90 -o mandelbrot
program mandelbrot
use iso_fortran_env, dp => real64
implicit none
integer, parameter :: max_iterations = 50 ! How many Mandelbrot iterations
integer, parameter :: buf_size = 32 ! Buffer size for arrays
real(dp), parameter :: threshold = 4.0_dp ! Threshold for iterations
integer :: i, j, k, n, pos, my_unit
integer :: bytepos, nx, width
integer(int8), allocatable :: buffer(:, :)
real(dp), dimension(buf_size) :: cr, ci, zr, zi, tr, ti
real(dp) :: cte
real(dp), allocatable :: cr_values(:), ci_values(:)
character(len=64) :: argv, header
character(len=:), allocatable :: char_output
character(len=*), parameter :: output_style = "multiple_strings"
! Get bitmap size from command line argument
call get_command_argument(1, argv)
read(argv, *) width
! Determine smallest multiple of buf_size greater or equal to width
nx = ceiling(width/real(buf_size, dp)) * buf_size
! Allocate results buffer
allocate(buffer(nx/8, width))
buffer = 0
! Set complex coordinates from [-1.5 - i -- 0.5 + i]
cte = 2.0_dp/width ! Step size
cr_values = [(cte * i - 1.5_dp, i = 0, nx-1)]
ci_values = [(cte * i - 1, i = 0, width-1)]
!$omp parallel do private(i, j, k, n, bytepos, pos) &
!$omp private(zr, zi, cr, ci, tr, ti) schedule(guided)
do i = 1, width
pos = 1
bytepos = 8
ci = ci_values(i)
do j = 1, nx, buf_size
! Set initial values (together with ci above)
cr = cr_values(j:j+buf_size-1)
zr = 0.0_dp
zi = 0.0_dp
tr = 0.0_dp
ti = 0.0_dp
! Perform very simple loop unrolling
do k = 1, max_iterations/2
! Update the real and complex parts
zi = 2*zr*zi+ci
zr = tr-ti+cr
ti = zi*zi
tr = zr*zr
! One more update
zi = 2*zr*zi+ci
zr = tr-ti+cr
ti = zi*zi
tr = zr*zr
! Check if all values have exceeded the threshold
if (all(tr + ti > threshold)) exit
end do
! Store results in buffer
do k = 1, buf_size
! Pack boolean values into bytes
bytepos = bytepos - 1
if (tr(k)+ti(k) < threshold .and. j <= width) then
buffer(pos, i) = ibset(buffer(pos, i), bytepos)
end if
! Advance at the end of the byte
if (bytepos == 0) then
bytepos = 8
pos = pos + 1
end if
end do
end do
end do
!$omp end parallel do
! pbm header
write(header, "(a,i0,a,i0,a)") "P4" // new_line("a"), &
width, " ", width, new_line("a")
i = ceiling(width/8.0_dp)
! Fortran allows to write binary output (stream access) to files, but not to
! stdout. Some tricks are therefore required.
select case (output_style)
case ("one_big_string")
! Convert binary data to one big string
allocate(character(len=i*width) :: char_output)
char_output = transfer(buffer(1:i, :), char_output)
write(*, '(a)', advance='no') trim(header)
write(*, '(a)', advance='no') char_output
case ("multiple_strings")
! This avoids problems with ifort for larger output sizes
allocate(character(len=i) :: char_output)
write(*, '(a)', advance='no') trim(header)
do j = 1, width
char_output = transfer(buffer(1:i, j), char_output)
write(*, '(a)', advance='no') char_output
end do
case default
! Write unformatted data to stdout, by opening it as a file
open(newunit=my_unit, file="/dev/stdout", access='stream', &
form='unformatted', action='write')
write(my_unit) trim(header)
write(my_unit) buffer(1:i, :)
end select
end program mandelbrot