The Q6600
Benchmarks Game

mandelbrot Chapel program

source code

/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game

   contributed by Jacob Nelson, Lydia Duncan, Brad Chamberlain,
   and Ben Harshbarger
   derived from the GNU C version by Greg Buchholz

use DynamicIters, IO;

config const n = 200,              // image size in pixels (n x n)
             maxIter = 50,         // max # of iterations per pixel
             limit = 4.0,          // per-pixel convergence limit
             chunkSize = 1;        // dynamic iterator's chunk size

param bitsPerElt = 8;              // # of bits to store per array element
type eltType = uint(bitsPerElt);   // element type used to store the image

proc main() {
  const ydim = 0..#n,                          // the image's y dimension
        xdim = 0..#divceilpos(n, bitsPerElt);  // the compacted x dimension

  var image : [ydim, xdim] eltType;            // the compacted bitmap image

  forall y in dynamic(ydim, chunkSize) {       // for all rows...
    for xelt in xdim {                         //   for each column element...

      var buff: eltType;                       // a single-element pixel buffer

      for off in 0..#bitsPerElt {              // for each bit in the buffer
        const x = xelt*bitsPerElt + off;       // compute its logical column

        const Cr = 2.0*x/n - 1.5;              // the (x,y) pixel as a complex
        const Ci = 2.0*y/n - 1.0;              //   (real, imag) value 'C'
        var Zr, Zi, Tr, Ti = 0.0;              // 'complex' helper values

        for 1..maxIter {                       // for the max # of iterations
          if (Tr + Ti > limit) then            // if we haven't converged
          Zi = 2.0*Zr*Zi + Ci;                 // update Z and T
          Zr = Tr - Ti + Cr;
          Tr = Zr**2;
          Ti = Zi**2;

        buff <<= 1;                            // shift the pixel buffer
        if (Tr + Ti <= limit) then             // if 'C' is within the limit,
          buff |= 0x1;                         //   turn the low pixel on

      image[y, xelt] = buff;                   // store the pixel buffer

  // Get a lock-free writer channel on 'stdout', write the file header,
  // and the image array.
  var w = openfd(1).writer(iokind.native, locking=false);

  w.writef("%i %i\n", n, n);

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
chpl version 1.22.0
Copyright 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
Copyright (c) 2004-2019, Cray Inc.

Tue, 12 May 2020 22:16:17 GMT

mv mandelbrot.chapel mandelbrot.chpl
/opt/src/chapel-1.22.0/bin/linux64-x86_64/chpl --target-cpu=core2 --fast mandelbrot.chpl -o mandelbrot.chapel_run
rm mandelbrot.chpl

29.01s to complete and log all make actions

./mandelbrot.chapel_run --n=16000