source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
contributed by Ralph Ganszky
for Swift 3.0+
using multiple threads by splitting workload in
random number generation and building output string.
random number get generated as Int32 like in gcc-7
by Jeremy Zerfas and normalized in a later step.
import Foundation
import Dispatch
let linewidth = 60
let bufferLines = 10240
let rndBufSize = (bufferLines * linewidth)
let writeBufSize = (bufferLines * (linewidth + 1))
let IM: Int32 = 139968
let IA: Int32 = 3877
let IC: Int32 = 29573
var seed: Int32 = 42
typealias AminoAcid = (prob: Double, sym: String)
typealias CumAcid = (cprob: Int32, sym: Int8)
// String to repeat
// Amino acids and their probabilities
var iub = [
AminoAcid(0.27, "a"),
AminoAcid(0.12, "c"),
AminoAcid(0.12, "g"),
AminoAcid(0.27, "t"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "B"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "D"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "H"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "K"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "M"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "N"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "R"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "S"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "V"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "W"),
AminoAcid(0.02, "Y"),
var homosapiens = [
AminoAcid(0.3029549426680, "a"),
AminoAcid(0.1979883004921, "c"),
AminoAcid(0.1975473066391, "g"),
AminoAcid(0.3015094502008, "t"),
// Allocate some resources to buffer data and
// handle ownership by semaphores
let nBufs = 4 // need to be a power of two
var bufs = [UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>]()
var cBufs = [UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>]()
var pSemaphore = [DispatchSemaphore]()
var wSemaphore = [DispatchSemaphore]()
for _ in 0..<nBufs {
bufs.append(UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>.allocate(capacity: rndBufSize))
cBufs.append(UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>.allocate(capacity: writeBufSize))
pSemaphore.append(DispatchSemaphore(value: 1))
wSemaphore.append(DispatchSemaphore(value: 1))
defer {
for i in 0..<nBufs {
// Let's have some queues to produce data, consume it
// and to syncronize data ownership
let cQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "Consumer", attributes: .concurrent)
let pQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "Producer", attributes: [])
let wQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "Writer", attributes: [])
let group = DispatchGroup()
// Binary search on acids
func bsearch(e: Int32, acids: [CumAcid]) -> Int8 {
var low = 0
var high = acids.count - 1
while low <= high {
let mid = low + (high - low) / 2
if acids[mid].cprob >= e {
high = mid - 1
} else {
low = mid + 1
return acids[high + 1].sym
// Build a block in fasta format
func buildFastaBlockFromString(s: String) -> String {
// Build block of linewidth characters wide string
let block = String(repeating: s, count: linewidth)
let blockUP = block.withCString{ s in s }
var blockNl = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>.allocate(capacity: (block.utf16.count)+s.utf16.count*linewidth-1)
defer {
var blockIn = blockNl
for i in 0..<s.utf16.count {
let beg = blockUP.advanced(by: i*linewidth)
blockIn.assign(from: beg, count: linewidth)
blockIn = blockIn.advanced(by: linewidth)
if i < s.utf16.count - 1 {
blockIn[0] = "\n"{Int8($0)}[0]
blockIn = blockIn.advanced(by: 1)
// Recreate String
return String(cString: blockNl)
// random
func random() -> Int32 {
seed = (seed * IA + IC) % IM
return seed
// Producer task
func genRandom(n: Int, block: Int) {
for i in 0..<min(n, rndBufSize) {
bufs[block][i] = random()
// Consumer task
func consumeRandom(n: Int, block: Int, acids: [CumAcid]) {
var bufPos = 0
var lineCounter = 0
for i in 0..<min(n, rndBufSize) {
let c = bsearch(e: bufs[block][i], acids: acids)
cBufs[block][bufPos] = c
lineCounter += 1
bufPos += 1
if lineCounter == linewidth {
cBufs[block][bufPos] = 10
bufPos += 1
lineCounter = 0
// Print random amino acid sequences
func randomFasta(n: Int, acids: [AminoAcid]) {
// Adjust probability to cumulative
var cumulative = 0.0
var cumAcid = [CumAcid](repeating: (0, 0), count: acids.count)
for (i, acid) in acids.enumerated() {
cumulative += acid.prob
cumAcid[i].cprob = Int32(cumulative*Double(IM))
cumAcid[i].sym ={Int8($0)}[0]
let junks = (n + rndBufSize - 1) / rndBufSize
let remainder = n % rndBufSize
var deferedWrite = [Int]()
var writeBlock = 0
pQueue.async {
for i in 0..<junks-1 {
let block = i % bufs.count
genRandom(n: rndBufSize, block: block)
cQueue.async(group: group) {
consumeRandom(n: rndBufSize, block: block, acids: cumAcid)
wQueue.async(group: group) {
if block != writeBlock {
} else {
print(String(cString: cBufs[block]), terminator: "")
writeBlock = (writeBlock + 1) & (nBufs-1)
if deferedWrite.count > 0 {
while deferedWrite.contains(writeBlock) {
let blk = writeBlock
print(String(cString: cBufs[blk]), terminator: "")
writeBlock = (writeBlock + 1) & (nBufs-1)
deferedWrite.remove(at: deferedWrite.index(of: blk)!)
genRandom(n: remainder, block: 0)
consumeRandom(n: remainder, block: 0, acids: cumAcid)
let last = String(cString: cBufs[0])
var stringRemainder = remainder+(remainder/linewidth)
if stringRemainder % (linewidth+1) == 0 {
stringRemainder -= 1
print(last[last.startIndex..<last.index(last.startIndex, offsetBy: stringRemainder)])
// Print alu string in fasta format
func repeatFasta(n: Int, alu: String) {
var aluLen = n + n / linewidth
let aluSize = alu.utf16.count + 1
if aluLen > aluSize {
for _ in 0..<aluLen/aluSize {
aluLen -= (aluLen / aluSize) * aluSize
// Remove newline at the end because print adds it anyhow
if n % linewidth == 0 {
aluLen -= 1
if aluLen > 0 {
print(alu[alu.startIndex..<alu.index(alu.startIndex, offsetBy: aluLen)])
// Read command line parameters
let n: Int
if CommandLine.arguments.count > 1 {
n = Int(CommandLine.arguments[1]) ?? 1000
} else {
n = 1000
// Build block of linewidth characters wide string
let aluBlock = buildFastaBlockFromString(s: alu)
print(">ONE Homo sapiens alu")
repeatFasta(n: 2*n, alu: aluBlock)
print(">TWO IUB ambiguity codes")
randomFasta(n: 3*n, acids: iub)
print(">THREE Homo sapiens frequency")
randomFasta(n: 5*n, acids: homosapiens)