source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
contributed by Ralph Ganszky
converted to Swift 3 by Sergo Beruashvili
software pipelining of randomFasta and optimized sequential
performance by using UnsafeMutableBufferPointer by Dave Grove
#if os(macOS)
import Darwin
import Glibc
import Dispatch
typealias AminoAcid = (prob: Float, sym: UInt8)
let IM = UInt32(139968)
let IA = UInt32(3877)
let IC = UInt32(29573)
var seed:UInt32 = UInt32(42)
let n: Int
if CommandLine.arguments.count > 1 {
n = Int(CommandLine.arguments[1]) ?? 1000
} else {
n = 1000
let lineWidth = 60
let linesPerBlock = 1024
var alu ={ UInt8($0) })
_ = alu.popLast()
var iub = [
AminoAcid(0.27, 97), // "a"),
AminoAcid(0.12, 99), // "c"),
AminoAcid(0.12, 103), // "g"),
AminoAcid(0.27, 116), // "t"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 66), // "B"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 68), // "D"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 72), // "H"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 75), // "K"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 77), // "M"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 78), // "N"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 82), // "R"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 83), // "S"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 86), // "V"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 87), // "W"),
AminoAcid(0.02, 89), // "Y"),
var homosapiens = [
AminoAcid(0.3029549426680, 97), // "a"),
AminoAcid(0.1979883004921, 99), // "c"),
AminoAcid(0.1975473066391, 103), // "g"),
AminoAcid(0.3015094502008, 116), // "t"),
func write(msg: String) {
let cStr = msg.withCString({ s in s })
var iov = UnsafeMutablePointer<iovec>.allocate(capacity: 1)
defer {
iov.pointee.iov_base = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: cStr)
iov.pointee.iov_len = msg.utf8CString.count - 1
writev(STDOUT_FILENO, iov, 1)
func write(buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>, ofLen len: Int) {
var iov = UnsafeMutablePointer<iovec>.allocate(capacity: 1)
defer {
iov.pointee.iov_base = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: buffer.baseAddress)
iov.pointee.iov_len = len
writev(STDOUT_FILENO, iov, 1)
func repeatFasta(gene: [UInt8], n: Int) {
let gene2 = gene + gene
let bufSize = linesPerBlock * (lineWidth + 1)
let raw = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: bufSize)
defer { raw.deallocate() }
let buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: raw, count: bufSize)
var pos = 0
var rpos = 0
var cnt = n
var lwidth = lineWidth
while cnt > 0 {
if pos + lwidth > buffer.count {
write(buffer: buffer, ofLen: pos)
pos = 0
if rpos + lwidth > gene.count {
rpos = rpos % gene.count
if cnt < lwidth {
lwidth = cnt
for i in 0...lwidth {
buffer[pos+i] = gene2[rpos+i]
buffer[pos+lwidth] = 10
pos += lwidth + 1
rpos += lwidth
cnt -= lwidth
if pos > 0 && pos < buffer.count {
buffer[pos] = 10
write(buffer: buffer, ofLen: pos)
} else if pos == buffer.count {
write(buffer: buffer, ofLen: pos)
buffer[0] = 10
write(buffer: buffer, ofLen: 1)
func accumulateProbabilities(acid: inout [AminoAcid]) {
for i in 1..<acid.count {
acid[i].prob += acid[i-1].prob
class Buffer<T> {
let raw:UnsafeMutablePointer<T>
let data:UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>
let capacity:Int
var filled:Int
init(capacity:Int) {
self.capacity = capacity;
raw = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: capacity)
data = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>(start: raw, count: capacity)
filled = 0
deinit {
public subscript(i: Int) -> T {
@inline(__always) get {
return data[i]
@inline(__always) set {
data[i] = newValue
func fillSeedBuffer(cnt: inout Int, buffer:Buffer<Float>) {
let data =
let chunk = cnt > data.count ? data.count : cnt
let f = 1.0 / Float(IM)
var myrand : UInt32 = seed
for i in 0..<chunk {
myrand = (myrand * IA + IC) % IM
buffer[i] = Float(myrand) * f
seed = myrand
cnt -= chunk
buffer.filled = chunk
func processSeedBuffer(seed:Buffer<Float>, out:Buffer<UInt8>, acid:[AminoAcid]) {
var pos = 0
var charCount = 0;
let chunk = seed.filled
let seedBuffer =
let outputBuffer =
for i in 0..<chunk {
let v = seedBuffer[i]
var j = 0
while (acid[j].prob < v) {
j += 1
outputBuffer[pos] = acid[j].sym
pos += 1
charCount += 1
if (charCount == lineWidth) {
outputBuffer[pos] = 10
pos += 1
charCount = 0
if (charCount > 0) {
outputBuffer[pos] = 10
pos += 1
write(buffer: outputBuffer, ofLen: pos)
func randomFasta(acid: [AminoAcid], _ n: Int) {
var cnt = n
let dg = DispatchGroup()
let q =
let seedBufferSize = linesPerBlock * lineWidth
let seedBuffers = [Buffer<Float>(capacity: seedBufferSize), Buffer<Float>(capacity: seedBufferSize)]
let outBufferSize = linesPerBlock * (lineWidth + 1)
let outputBuffer = Buffer<UInt8>(capacity: outBufferSize)
var color = 1 // red/black for software pipelining of loop
fillSeedBuffer(cnt: &cnt, buffer: seedBuffers[0])
while cnt > 0 {
q.async(group: dg) { fillSeedBuffer(cnt: &cnt, buffer: seedBuffers[color % 2]) }
q.async(group: dg) { processSeedBuffer(seed: seedBuffers[(color + 1) % 2], out: outputBuffer, acid: acid) }
color += 1
processSeedBuffer(seed: seedBuffers[(color + 1) % 2], out: outputBuffer, acid: acid)
accumulateProbabilities(acid: &homosapiens)
accumulateProbabilities(acid: &iub)
write(msg: ">ONE Homo sapiens alu\n")
repeatFasta(gene: alu, n: 2*n)
write(msg: ">TWO IUB ambiguity codes\n")
randomFasta(acid: iub,3*n)
write(msg: ">THREE Homo sapiens frequency\n")
randomFasta(acid: homosapiens,5*n)