The Computer Language
24.04 Benchmarks Game

spectral-norm Toit program

source code

/* The Computer Language Benchmarks game

   transliterated from Sebastien Loisel's C program by Isaac Gouy*/

import math

a i/int j/int -> float:
  return 1.0 / (((i + j) * (i + j + 1) / 2) + i + 1)

au n/int u/List w/List:
  for i := 0; i < n; ++i:
    w[i] = 0.0
    for j := 0; j < n; ++j:
      w[i] += (a i j) * u[j]      

atu n/int w/List v/List:
  for i := 0; i < n; ++i:
    v[i] = 0.0
    for j := 0; j < n; ++j:
      v[i] += (a j i) * w[j]
atau n/int u/List v/List w/List:
  au n u w; atu n w v  

main args:
  n := args.size == 1 ? int.parse args[0] : 0
  u := List n 1.0 
  v := List n
  w := List n  
  vv := 0.0
  vBv := 0.0
  for i := 0; i < 10; ++i:
    atau n u v w
    atau n v u w
  for i := 0; i < n; ++i:
    vBv += u[i] * v[i]
    vv += v[i] * v[i]  
  print "$(%.9f (math.sqrt vBv / vv))" 

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core

 Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:34:01 GMT

cp -r Include/toit/.packages .
cp -r Include/toit/package.lock .
cp -r Include/toit/package.yaml .	
/opt/src/toit/bin/toit.compile -O2 --strip -o spectralnorm.toit_run spectralnorm.toit 

1.40s to complete and log all make actions

 ./spectralnorm.toit_run 5500
