source code
-- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
-- contributed by Mike Pall (with ideas from Rici Lake)
-- modified for 5.3 by Robin
-- optimized using string.byte by farteryhr
local sub, byte, insert, format =
string.sub, string.byte, table.insert, string.format
iubc = {
A="T", C="G", B="V", D="H", K="M", R="Y",
a="T", c="G", b="V", d="H", k="M", r="Y",
T="A", G="C", V="B", H="D", M="K", Y="R", U="A",
t="A", g="C", v="B", h="D", m="K", y="R", u="A",
N="N", S="S", W="W", n="N", s="S", w="W",
niubc = {} -- numeric lookup table
for k, v in pairs(iubc) do
niubc[byte(k,1)] = byte(v,1)
local sbcode = {} -- string builder of code
-- to append a piece of code
local function add(s) insert(sbcode, s) end
-- generate code for the processing function
-- @param t: the string builder of dna sequence
-- @param n: the number of elements + 1
return function(t, n)
if n == 1 then return end
local iubc, niubc, sub, byte, char, gc =
iubc, niubc, string.sub, string.byte, string.char, collectgarbage
local s = table.concat(t, "", 1, n-1)
-- collect the input string builder
for i = 1, n-1 do t[i]=nil end
-- string builder of output lines
local sb, sbn = {}, 1
for i=#s-59,1,-60 do
local ]=])
-- extract 60 bytes a time backward from the end
for i = 1, 60 do
add(format("c%d%s", i, i == 60 and " = " or ", "))
add("byte(s, i, i + 59)\n ")
-- lookup and reverse
for i = 1, 60 do
add(format("c%d%s", i, i == 60 and " = " or ", "))
for i = 1, 60 do
add(format("niubc[c%d]%s", 61 - i, i == 60 and "" or ", "))
add("\n ")
-- assemble a 60-char string
add("sb[sbn] = char(")
for i = 1, 60 do
add(format("c%d%s", i, i == 60 and "" or ", "))
-- line ending and the rest
sb[sbn+1] = "\n"
sbn = sbn + 2
local r = #s % 60
if r ~= 0 then
for i=r,1,-1 do sb[sbn] = iubc[sub(s, i, i)]; sbn = sbn + 1 end
sb[sbn] = "\n"; sbn = sbn + 1
s = nil
sb = nil
local wcode = table.concat(sbcode) -- the string
local writerev = assert(load(wcode)()) -- the function
collectgarbage("stop") -- we do it manually
-- main routine
local t, n = {}, 1
for line in io.lines() do
local c = sub(line, 1, 1)
if c == ">" then writerev(t, n); io.write(line, "\n"); n = 1
elseif c ~= ";" then t[n] = line; n = n + 1 end
writerev(t, n)