source code
! The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
! contributed by Steve Decker, modified from the version by Simon Geard
! compilation:
! g95 -O3 reverse.f90
! ifort -ipo -O3 -static reverse.f90
program revcomp
implicit none
character, parameter :: EndStr = ">"
integer, parameter :: LineWidth = 60
character(len=LineWidth), dimension(:), allocatable :: data, w
logical :: insection = .false.
integer :: stat, bcount
character(len=LineWidth) :: line, title
! Read and process
allocate(data(100)) ! Allocate enough lines so that we don't have to grow the array for the test
readFile: do
read(*, "(a)", iostat=stat) line
if (stat /= 0) exit readFile
if (line(1:1) == EndStr) then
if (insection) then
write(*, "(a)") trim(title)
call printReverseFasta
insection = .true.
end if
title = line
bcount = 0
cycle readFile
end if
bcount = bcount + 1
if (bcount > size(data)) then ! Included for completeness - it shouldn't be called in the test
w = data
data(1:size(w)) = w
end if
data(bcount) = line
end do readFile
write(*, "(a)") trim(title)
call printReverseFasta
subroutine printReverseFasta
! Output the data in reverse order and with the complement
character, dimension(65:121), parameter :: Complement = (/ "T", "V", "G", &
"H", "E", "F", "C", "D", "I", "J", "M", "L", "K", "N", "O", "P", &
"Q", "Y", "S", "A", "A", "B", "W", "X", "R", (" ", stat = 90, 96), &
"T", "V", "G", "H", "E", "F", "C", "D", "I", "J", "M", "L", "K", &
"N", "O", "P", "Q", "Y", "S", "A", "A", "B", "W", "X", "R" /)
integer :: fLine, fChar, bLine, bChar
character :: c
fLine = 1
fChar = 1
bLine = bcount
bChar = len_trim(data(bLine))
if (fLine > bLine .or. fLine == bLine .and. fChar >= bChar) exit
c = data(fLine)(fChar:fChar)
data(fLine)(fChar:fChar) = Complement(iachar(data(bLine)(bChar:bChar)))
data(bLine)(bChar:bChar) = Complement(iachar(c))
fChar = fChar + 1
if (fChar > LineWidth) then
fChar = 1
fLine = fLine + 1
end if
bChar = bChar - 1
if (bChar == 0) then
bChar = LineWidth
bLine = bLine - 1
end if
end do
if (fLine == bLine .and. fChar == bChar) &
data(fLine)(fChar:fChar) = Complement(iachar(data(fLine)(fChar:fChar)))
do fLine = 1, bcount-1
write(*, "(a)") data(fLine)
end do
write(*, "(a)") trim(data(bcount))
end subroutine printReverseFasta
end program revcomp