source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
contributed by Brad Chamberlain
based on the C gcc #8 version by Jeremy Zerfas
use IO, CTypes;
param readSize = 65536, // size to read at a time
linesPerChunk = 8192, // number of lines to deal per task
eol = '\n'.toByte(), // end-of-line, as an integer
cols = 61, // # of characters per full row (including '\n')
// a 'bytes' value that stores the complement of each base at its index
cmpl = b" \n "
// ↑↑↑↑ ↑↑ ↑ ↑↑ ↑↑↑↑↑↑ ↑ ↑↑↑↑ ↑↑ ↑ ↑↑ ↑↑↑↑↑↑ ↑
// ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
maxChars = cmpl.size: uint(8); // upper bound on # of nucleotides used
// map from pairs of nucleotide characters to their reversed complements
var pairCmpl: [0..<join(maxChars, maxChars)] uint(16);
// define non-locking versions of stdin/stdout for efficiency
var stdin = (new file(0)).reader(locking=false),
stdout = (new file(1)).writer(locking=false);
proc main(args: [] string) {
// set up the 'pairCmpl' map
const chars = eol..<maxChars;
forall (i,j) in {chars, chars} do
pairCmpl[join(i,j)] = join(cmpl(j), cmpl(i));
// variables for reading into a dynamically growing buffer
var buffCap = readSize, // capacity of our input buffer
buffDom = {0..<buffCap}, // index set for the input buffer
buff: [buffDom] uint(8), // the buffer itself
readPos = 0; // the current read position
do {
// read 'readSize' new characters
var newChars = stdin.readBinary(c_ptrTo(buff[readPos]), readSize),
nextSeqStart: int;
// if the new characters contain the start of the next sequence,
var endOfRead = readPos + newChars;
while findSeqStart(buff, max(readPos,1)..<endOfRead, nextSeqStart) {
// process this one
revcomp(buff, nextSeqStart);
// then reset to check for the next sequence
readPos = 0;
endOfRead -= nextSeqStart;
// shift the remaining characters down (only in parallel if no overlap)
serial (nextSeqStart < endOfRead) do
forall j in 0..<endOfRead do
buff[j] = buff[j + nextSeqStart];
// update where we'll read from next
readPos = endOfRead;
// if we're about to run out of space, grow the buffer by 2x
if readPos + readSize > buffCap {
buffCap *= 2;
buffDom = {0..<buffCap};
} while newChars;
// if anything remains, process it
if readPos then revcomp(buff, readPos);
proc revcomp(ref seq, size) {
param chunkSize = linesPerChunk * cols; // the size of the chunks to deal out
// compute how big the header is
var headerSize = 1;
while seq[headerSize - 1] != eol {
headerSize += 1;
// write out the header
stdout.writeBinary(c_ptrTo(seq[0]), headerSize);
// set up the atomic variables we'll use to coordinate between tasks
var charsLeft, charsWritten: atomic int = size - (headerSize + 1);
// create a task per core
coforall tid in 0..<here.maxTaskPar {
var myBuff: [0..<chunkSize] uint(8); // the task's buffer
// grab chunk of work
var myStartChar = charsLeft.fetchSub(chunkSize);
while myStartChar >= 0 {
const myChunkSize = min(chunkSize, myStartChar + 1),
lastLineChars = myStartChar % cols, // # of chars and
lastLineGaps = cols - (lastLineChars + 1); // spaces on last line
var cursor = myStartChar + headerSize,
chunkLeft = myChunkSize,
chunkPos = 0;
// reverse the chunk
if lastLineGaps == 0 {
// if last line is full, it's easy to reverse-complement
revcomp(chunkPos, cursor, chunkLeft, myBuff, seq);
} else {
// otherwise, it's trickier
while chunkLeft >= cols {
revcomp(chunkPos, cursor, lastLineChars, myBuff, seq);
chunkPos += lastLineChars;
cursor -= lastLineChars + 1;
revcomp(chunkPos, cursor, lastLineGaps, myBuff, seq);
chunkPos += lastLineGaps;
cursor -= lastLineGaps;
myBuff[chunkPos] = eol;
chunkPos += 1;
chunkLeft -= cols;
if chunkLeft then
revcomp(chunkPos, cursor, lastLineChars + 1, myBuff, seq);
// take turns writing out our chunks
stdout.writeBinary(c_ptrTo(myBuff[0]), myChunkSize);
charsWritten.write(myStartChar - myChunkSize);
// grab the next chunk of work
myStartChar = charsLeft.fetchSub(chunkSize);
proc revcomp(in dstFront, in charAfter, spanLen, ref buff, ref seq) {
if spanLen % 2 {
charAfter -= 1;
buff[dstFront] = cmpl[seq[charAfter]];
dstFront += 1;
for 2..spanLen by -2 {
charAfter -= 2;
const src = c_ptrTo(seq[charAfter]): c_ptr(void): c_ptr(uint(16)),
dst = c_ptrTo(buff[dstFront]): c_ptr(void): c_ptr(uint(16));
dst.deref() = pairCmpl[src.deref()];
dstFront += 2;
// check whether there's a sequence start ('>') in 'buff[low..#count]'
proc findSeqStart(buff, inds, ref ltLoc) {
ltLoc = max(int);
forall i in inds with (min reduce ltLoc) {
if buff[i] == '>'.toByte() {
ltLoc = min(ltLoc, i);
return ltLoc != max(int);
// combine two nucleotide characters to create a 16-bit integer
inline proc join(i: uint(16), j) {
return i << 8 | j;