source code
# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
# contributed by Daniel Jones
# fixed by David Campbell
# modified by Jarret Revels, Alex Arslan, Yichao Yu
# made multi-threaded by Adam Beckmeyer
# Julia's replace function doesn't internally use pcre2_substitute
# which is more efficient than the string-building Julia currently
# uses. This gives about a 10% speedup compared to using Base.replace.
function rereplace!(s, slen, pat::Pair{Regex,String}, dest)
re, rep = pat
dest_len = Ref{Csize_t}(sizeof(dest))
ccall((:pcre2_substitute_8, Base.PCRE.PCRE_LIB), Cint,
(Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Csize_t, Cuint, Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid},
Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t, Ptr{UInt8}, Ref{Csize_t}), re.regex, s, slen,
0, re.match_options | Base.PCRE.SUBSTITUTE_GLOBAL,
C_NULL, C_NULL, rep, sizeof(rep), dest, dest_len)
const variants = (
const subs = (
r"tHa[Nt]" => "<4>",
r"aND|caN|Ha[DS]|WaS" => "<3>",
r"a[NSt]|BY" => "<2>",
r"<[^>]*>" => "|",
r"\|[^|][^|]*\|" => "-"
function main(io, out)
# Read in the file as a string and get length
seq = read(io, String)
l1 = sizeof(seq)
# Remove descriptions and linefeed characters while copying seq to seq2
seq2 = Vector{UInt8}(undef, l1)
l2 = rereplace!(seq, sizeof(seq), r">.*\n|\n" => "", seq2)
resize!(seq2, l2)
# Turning seq2 back into a string will cause it to be truncated to
# zero, so we first need to make the working copies that will be
# needed for the replace task. These must be slightly larger than
# seq2 since some replacements can cause the string to grow. These
# are placed in a Ref container to prevent the compiler from
# boxing them inside the closure spawned to run in a thread (since
# the variables don't have to be re-bound this way).
rseq1 = Ref(similar(seq2, trunc(Int, 1.1l2)))
copyto!(rseq1[], seq2)
rseq2 = Ref(similar(rseq1[]))
# First we start the task to find the length of the string with
# all replacements since it takes the longest.
l3 = Ref(l2 % Csize_t)
replace_task = Threads.@spawn for sub in subs
# This loop moves back and forth, first doing a replacement
# while copying rseq1 to rseq2 and then another replacement
# while copying rseq2 back to rseq1.
l3[] = rereplace!(rseq1[], l3[], sub, rseq2[])
rseq1[], rseq2[] = rseq2[], rseq1[]
# Then we count the occurrences of each variant within
# seq. Although this could be done multi-threaded with a counter
# per thread, there's no benefit to doing so since replace_task
# takes longer than all variant counts in serial.
seq = String(seq2)
for v in variants
println(out, v.pattern, ' ', count(v, seq))
println(out, '\n', l1)
println(out, l2)
# Wait for the replacing task to complete before printing sequence lengths.
println(out, l3[])
isinteractive() || main(stdin, stdout)