source code
% The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
% Contributed by: Hynek Vychodil 2009
% Fixed by Alexander Fyodorov
% Inspired by regex-dna Erlang HiPE #5 program
% by Sergei Matusevich 2007 and Thanassis Avgerinos 2009
% Main changes:
% 1/ Very fast Port line input instead stdio (~5x)
% 2/ Faster IUB code alternatives explicit expansion
% using binary instead lists (~5x)
% 3/ Precompile regexps in data loading phase
% 4/ Simpler dispatch and result join code
% Note: re module is damn slow. Boyer-Moore like binary matcher
% written in Erlang should be magnitude faster (HiPE of course).
-compile([native, {hipe, [o3]}]).
main(_) -> main().
main() -> do(), halt().
do() ->
S = self(),
Worker = spawn_link(fun () -> work(S) end),
Worker ! {data, read()},
receive finish -> ok end.
work(Master) ->
S = self(),
Patterns = [{Pat, re:compile(Pat, [caseless])}
|| Pat <- patterns()],
{RawSize, [B3, B2, B1 | _]} = receive
{data, Data} -> Data
L = [size(X) || X <- [B1, B2, B3]],
Size = lists:sum(L),
PIDS = [{spawn_link(matcher(S, B2, B3, MR)),
|| {Pat, {ok, MR}} <- Patterns],
Final = apply_final_patterns([B2,B3], final_patterns()),
FinalSize = size(B1) + size(Final),
[RawSize, Size, FinalSize]),
Master ! finish.
apply_final_patterns(S, [{Pat, Rep}|Rest]) ->
apply_final_patterns(re:replace(S, Pat, Rep,[{return,binary},caseless,global,never_utf]), Rest);
apply_final_patterns(S, []) ->
matcher(S, B2, B3, MR) ->
fun () ->
S !
{self(), countMatches(B2, MR) + countMatches(B3, MR)}
printer(Pat) ->
fun (Num) -> io:format("~s ~b~n", [Pat, Num]) end.
countMatches(Data, RE) ->
case re:run(Data, RE, [global]) of
{match, M} -> length(M);
nomatch -> 0
results([{PID, Fin} | R]) ->
receive {PID, Ret} -> Fin(Ret), results(R) end;
results([]) -> ok.
patterns() ->
["agggtaaa|tttaccct", "[cgt]gggtaaa|tttaccc[acg]",
final_patterns() ->
{"tHa[Nt]", "<4>"},
{"aND|caN|Ha[DS]|WaS", "<3>"},
{"a[NSt]|BY", "<2>"},
{"<[^>]*>", "|"},
{"\\|[^|][^|]*\\|", "-"}
read() ->
Port = open_port({fd, 0, 1}, [in, binary, {line, 256}]),
read(Port, 0, [], []).
read(Port, Size, Seg, R) ->
{Port, {data, {eol, <<$>:8, _/binary>> = Line}}} ->
read(Port, Size + size(Line) + 1, [],
[iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Seg, [])) | R]);
{Port, {data, {eol, Line}}} ->
read(Port, Size + size(Line) + 1, [Line | Seg], R);
{'EXIT', Port, normal} ->
{Size, [iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Seg, [])) | R]};
Other ->
io:format(">>>>>>> Wrong! ~p~n", [Other]),