pidigits OCaml #7 program
source code
* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
* contributed by Gabriel Scherer with GMP advice from Guillaume Melquiond
let extract_digit =
let tmp1 : Mpz.m = Mpz.init () in
let tmp2 : Mpz.m = Mpz.init () in
fun (num,den,acc) nth ->
(* joggling between tmp1 and tmp2,
so that GMP does not use temporary buffers *)
Mpz.mul_si tmp1 num nth;
Mpz.add tmp2 acc tmp1;
Mpz.tdiv_q tmp1 tmp2 den;
Mpz.get_int tmp1 (* (nth * num + acc) / den |> to_int *)
let eliminate_digit (num, den, acc) d =
Mpz.mul_si num num 10; (* num <- num * 10 *)
Mpz.submul_ui acc den d;
Mpz.mul_si acc acc 10 (* acc <- 10 * (acc - den * d) *)
let next_term (num, den, acc) k =
let k2 = k * 2 + 1 in
Mpz.mul_si den den k2; (* den <- den * k2 *)
Mpz.addmul_ui acc num 2;
Mpz.mul_si acc acc k2; (* acc <- (acc + 2*num) * k2 *)
Mpz.mul_si num num k (* num <- num*k *)
let rec terms z k =
fun () ->
next_term z k;
Seq.Cons(z, terms z (k + 1))
let digit z =
let d = extract_digit z 3 in
if extract_digit z 4 = d
then (eliminate_digit z d; Some d)
else None
let all_digits =
terms (Mpz.of_int 1, Mpz.of_int 1, Mpz.of_int 0) 1
|> Seq.filter (fun (num, _den, acc) -> Mpz.cmp num acc <= 0)
|> Seq.filter_map digit
let columns = 10
let rec print_digits pos n digits =
if pos mod columns = 0 && pos > 0 then Printf.printf "\t:%i\n" pos;
if pos = n then ()
else match digits () with
| Seq.Nil ->
if pos mod columns > 0 then begin
print_char ' ';
print_digits (pos + 1) n digits
| Seq.Cons (d, rest) ->
print_int d;
print_digits (pos + 1) n rest
let () =
let n = try int_of_string (Array.get Sys.argv 1) with _ -> 27 in
print_digits 0 n all_digits
notes, command-line, and program output
64-bit Ubuntu quad core
OCaml native-code
Thu, 05 Sep 2024 18:10:16 GMT
mv pidigits.ocaml-7.ocaml
~/.opam/5.1.1/bin/ocamlopt -noassert -unsafe -fPIC -nodynlink -inline 100 -O3 -I /home/dunham/.opam/5.1.1/lib/gmp gmp.cmxa -ccopt -march=ivybridge -o pidigits.ocaml-7.ocaml_run
File "", line 1:
Error: No implementation provided for the following modules:
"Mpz" referenced from "Pidigits" (pidigits.ocaml-7.cmx)
make: [/home/dunham/all-benchmarksgame/2000-benchmarksgame/nanobench/makefiles/u64q.programs.Makefile:378: pidigits.ocaml-7.ocaml_run] Error 2 (ignored)
0.91s to complete and log all make actions
./pidigits.ocaml-7.ocaml_run 2000