source code
% The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
% contributed by Mark Scandariato
% erl -noshell -noinput -run pidigits main 7
% conversion
is_safe(Z, N) -> N == extr(Z, 4).
next(Z) -> extr(Z, 3).
prod(Z, N) -> comp({10, -10*N, 0, 1}, Z).
cons(Z, Zp) -> comp(Z, Zp).
-define(unit, {1,0,0,1}).
comp({Q,R,S,T}, {Qp, Rp, Sp, Tp}) ->
{Q*Qp + R*Sp, Q*Rp + R*Tp, S*Qp + T*Sp, S*Rp + T*Tp}.
extr({Q,R,S,T}, X) -> (Q * X + R) div (S * X + T).
lft(K) -> {K, 4*K+2, 0, 2*K+1}.
stream(N) -> stream(N, 0, 1, ?unit, []).
stream(N, N, _, _, P) -> print(N,P);
stream(N, C, K, Z, P) ->
Y = next(Z),
case is_safe(Z, Y) of
true ->
stream(N, C+1, K, prod(Z,Y), update(C,Y,P));
false ->
stream(N, C, K+1, cons(Z, lft(K)), P)
update(C, D, P) when C rem 10 == 0, C > 0 ->
print(C, P),
update(_, D, P) -> [D|P].
print(C, P) -> do_print(C, lists:reverse(P)).
do_print(C, []) when C rem 10 == 0 -> io:fwrite("\t:~p~n", [C]);
do_print(C, []) -> io:fwrite("~*.1c:~p~n", [10 - C rem 10, $\t, C]);
do_print(C, [H|T]) -> io:fwrite("~p", [H]), do_print(C, T).
main([Arg]) ->
N = list_to_integer(Arg),
main(N) when N > 1 -> stream(N).