source code
/// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
/// contributed by Stuart Carnie
/// derived from numerous versions, including Swift and Go
/// This code requires hardware supporting
/// CPU feature AVX2, using SIMD4 types.
import Foundation
#if !os(Linux)
import simd
func dot<V : SIMD>(_ a: V, _ b: V) -> V.Scalar where V.Scalar : FloatingPoint {
return (a * b).sum()
let SOLAR_MASS = 4 * Double.pi * Double.pi
let DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365.24
public typealias Vec4 = (x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, w: Double)
extension SIMD4 where Scalar == Double {
init(_ v: Vec4) {
self.init(x: v.x, y: v.y, z: v.z, w: v.w)
struct Body {
public var pos: Vec4
public var vel: Vec4
public let mass: Double
init() {
let zero = Vec4(0, 0, 0, 0)
self.init(pos: zero, vel: zero, mass: 0)
init(pos: Vec4, vel: Vec4, mass: Double) {
self.pos = pos
self.vel = vel
self.mass = mass
// ensures loops are static so they can be unrolled explicitly at compile-time
let planetsCount = 5
@frozen struct System {
var bodies: [Body]
let bodiesp: UnsafeMutablePointer<Body>
init(_ bodies: [Body]) {
self.bodies = bodies
bodiesp = UnsafeMutablePointer<Body>(mutating: self.bodies)
func energy() -> Double {
var energy = 0.0
for i in 0..<planetsCount {
let bodyi = bodiesp[i]
let posi = SIMD4(bodyi.pos)
let veli = SIMD4(bodyi.vel)
energy += 0.5 * bodyi.mass * dot(veli, veli)
for j in i+1..<planetsCount {
let bodyj = bodiesp[j]
let posj = SIMD4(bodyj.pos)
let d = posi - posj
let distance = sqrt(dot(d, d))
energy -= (bodyi.mass * bodyj.mass) / distance
return energy
mutating func step(dt: Double) {
for i in 0..<planetsCount {
let bodyi = bodiesp[i]
for j in i+1..<planetsCount {
let bodyj = bodiesp[j]
let d = SIMD4(bodyi.pos) - SIMD4(bodyj.pos)
let dSquared = dot(d, d)
let distance = sqrt(dSquared)
let mag = dt / (dSquared * distance)
let nveli = SIMD4(bodiesp[i].vel) - d *
SIMD4(repeating: bodyj.mass) * mag
bodiesp[i].vel = (nveli.x, nveli.y, nveli.z, nveli.w)
let nvelj = SIMD4(bodiesp[j].vel) + d *
SIMD4(repeating: bodyi.mass) * mag
bodiesp[j].vel = (nvelj.x, nvelj.y, nvelj.z, nvelj.w)
for i in 0..<planetsCount {
let body = bodiesp[i]
var pos = SIMD4(body.pos)
pos += dt * SIMD4(body.vel)
bodiesp[i].pos = (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, pos.w)
// Adjusts momentum of the sun
private mutating func start() {
var p = SIMD4<Double>()
for i in 0..<planetsCount {
let body = bodiesp[i]
let mass = SIMD4(repeating: body.mass)
let vel = SIMD4(body.vel)
p += vel * mass
let solarMass = SIMD4(repeating: SOLAR_MASS)
let vel = -p / solarMass
bodiesp[0].vel = (vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, vel.w)
var sun = Body(
pos: (x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0, w: 0),
vel: (x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0, w: 0),
var jupiter = Body(
pos: (
x: 4.8414314424647209,
y: -1.16032004402742839,
z: -0.103622044471123109,
w: 0),
vel: (
x: 1.66007664274403694e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
y: 7.69901118419740425e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
z: -6.90460016972063023e-05 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
w: 0),
mass: 9.54791938424326609e-04 * SOLAR_MASS)
var saturn = Body(
pos: (
x: 8.34336671824457987,
y: 4.12479856412430479,
z: -4.03523417114321381e-01,
w: 0),
vel: (
x: -2.76742510726862411e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
y: 4.99852801234917238e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
z: 2.30417297573763929e-05 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
w: 0),
mass: 2.85885980666130812e-04 * SOLAR_MASS )
var uranus = Body(
pos: (
x: 1.28943695621391310e+01,
y: -1.51111514016986312e+01,
z: -2.23307578892655734e-01,
w: 0),
vel: (
x: 2.96460137564761618e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
y: 2.37847173959480950e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
z: -2.96589568540237556e-05 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
w: 0),
mass: 4.36624404335156298e-05 * SOLAR_MASS )
var neptune = Body(
pos: (
x: 1.53796971148509165e+01,
y: -2.59193146099879641e+01,
z: 1.79258772950371181e-01,
w: 0),
vel: (
x: 2.68067772490389322e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
y: 1.62824170038242295e-03 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
z: -9.51592254519715870e-05 * DAYS_PER_YEAR,
w: 0),
mass: 5.15138902046611451e-05 * SOLAR_MASS )
var system = System([sun, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune])
let n: Int
if CommandLine.argc > 1 {
n = Int(CommandLine.arguments[1]) ?? 1000
} else {
n = 1000
print(String(format: "%.9f",
for _ in 0..<n {
system.step(dt: 0.01)
print(String(format: "%.9f",