source code
#lang racket/base
;; The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
;; Imperative-style implementation based on the SBCL implementation by
;; Patrick Frankenberger and Juho Snellman, but using only native Scheme
;; idioms like 'named let' and 'do' special form.
;; Contributed by Anthony Borla, then converted for Racket
;; by Matthew Flatt and Brent Fulgham
Correct output N = 1000 is
(require racket/cmdline
;; ------------------------------
;; define planetary masses, initial positions & velocity
(define +pi+ 3.141592653589793)
(define +days-per-year+ 365.24)
(define +solar-mass+ (* 4 +pi+ +pi+))
(define +dt+ 0.01)
(define-struct body (x y z vx vy vz mass)
(define *sun*
(make-body 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +solar-mass+))
(define *jupiter*
(make-body 4.84143144246472090
(* 1.66007664274403694e-3 +days-per-year+)
(* 7.69901118419740425e-3 +days-per-year+)
(* -6.90460016972063023e-5 +days-per-year+)
(* 9.54791938424326609e-4 +solar-mass+)))
(define *saturn*
(make-body 8.34336671824457987
(* -2.76742510726862411e-3 +days-per-year+)
(* 4.99852801234917238e-3 +days-per-year+)
(* 2.30417297573763929e-5 +days-per-year+)
(* 2.85885980666130812e-4 +solar-mass+)))
(define *uranus*
(make-body 1.28943695621391310e1
(* 2.96460137564761618e-03 +days-per-year+)
(* 2.37847173959480950e-03 +days-per-year+)
(* -2.96589568540237556e-05 +days-per-year+)
(* 4.36624404335156298e-05 +solar-mass+)))
(define *neptune*
(make-body 1.53796971148509165e+01
(* 2.68067772490389322e-03 +days-per-year+)
(* 1.62824170038242295e-03 +days-per-year+)
(* -9.51592254519715870e-05 +days-per-year+)
(* 5.15138902046611451e-05 +solar-mass+)))
(define *system* (list *sun* *jupiter* *saturn* *uranus* *neptune*))
;; -------------------------------
(define (offset-momentum)
(let loop-i ([i *system*] [px 0.0] [py 0.0] [pz 0.0])
(if (null? i)
(set-body-vx! (car *system*) (fl/ (fl- 0.0 px) +solar-mass+))
(set-body-vy! (car *system*) (fl/ (fl- 0.0 py) +solar-mass+))
(set-body-vz! (car *system*) (fl/ (fl- 0.0 pz) +solar-mass+)))
(let ([i1 (car i)])
(loop-i (cdr i)
(fl+ px (fl* (body-vx i1) (body-mass i1)))
(fl+ py (fl* (body-vy i1) (body-mass i1)))
(fl+ pz (fl* (body-vz i1) (body-mass i1))))))))
;; -------------------------------
(define (energy)
(let loop-o ([o *system*] [e 0.0])
(if (null? o)
(let* ([o1 (car o)]
[e (+ e (fl* 0.5
(fl* (body-mass o1)
(fl+ (fl+ (fl* (body-vx o1) (body-vx o1))
(fl* (body-vy o1) (body-vy o1)))
(fl* (body-vz o1) (body-vz o1))))))])
(let loop-i ([i (cdr o)] [e e])
(if (null? i)
(loop-o (cdr o) e)
(let* ([i1 (car i)]
[dx (fl- (body-x o1) (body-x i1))]
[dy (fl- (body-y o1) (body-y i1))]
[dz (fl- (body-z o1) (body-z i1))]
[dist (flsqrt (fl+ (fl+ (fl* dx dx) (fl* dy dy)) (fl* dz dz)))]
[e (fl- e (fl/ (fl* (body-mass o1) (body-mass i1)) dist))])
(loop-i (cdr i) e))))))))
;; -------------------------------
(define (advance)
(let loop-o ([o *system*])
(when (pair? o)
(let* ([o1 (car o)]
[o1x (body-x o1)]
[o1y (body-y o1)]
[o1z (body-z o1)]
[om (body-mass o1)])
(let loop-i ([i (cdr o)]
[vx (body-vx o1)]
[vy (body-vy o1)]
[vz (body-vz o1)])
(if (pair? i)
(let* ([i1 (car i)]
[dx (fl- o1x (body-x i1))]
[dy (fl- o1y (body-y i1))]
[dz (fl- o1z (body-z i1))]
[dist2 (fl+ (fl+ (fl* dx dx) (fl* dy dy)) (fl* dz dz))]
[mag (fl/ +dt+ (fl* dist2 (flsqrt dist2)))]
[dxmag (fl* dx mag)]
[dymag (fl* dy mag)]
[dzmag (fl* dz mag)]
[im (body-mass i1)])
(set-body-vx! i1 (fl+ (body-vx i1) (fl* dxmag om)))
(set-body-vy! i1 (fl+ (body-vy i1) (fl* dymag om)))
(set-body-vz! i1 (fl+ (body-vz i1) (fl* dzmag om)))
(loop-i (cdr i)
(fl- vx (fl* dxmag im))
(fl- vy (fl* dymag im))
(fl- vz (fl* dzmag im))))
(begin (set-body-vx! o1 vx)
(set-body-vy! o1 vy)
(set-body-vz! o1 vz)
(set-body-x! o1 (fl+ o1x (fl* +dt+ vx)))
(set-body-y! o1 (fl+ o1y (fl* +dt+ vy)))
(set-body-z! o1 (fl+ o1z (fl* +dt+ vz)))))))
(loop-o (cdr o)))))
;; -------------------------------
(let ([n (command-line #:args (n) (string->number n))])
(printf "~a\n" (real->decimal-string (energy) 9))
(for ([i (in-range n)]) (advance))
(printf "~a\n" (real->decimal-string (energy) 9)))
notes, command-line, and program output
64-bit Ubuntu quad core
Racket v8.14 [cs].
Fri, 06 Sep 2024 18:56:24 GMT
make: *** No rule to make target 'nbody.racket_run'. Stop.
0.08s to complete and log all make actions
/opt/src/./racket-8.14/bin/racket nbody.racket 50000000