The Computer Language
24.04 Benchmarks Game

mandelbrot Toit #2 program

source code

/* The Computer Language Benchmarks game

   transliterated from Andrey Filatkin's JavaScript #3 by Isaac Gouy

import host.pipe

ITER ::= 50
LIMIT ::= 4.0
main args:
  h ::= args.size == 1 ? int.parse args[0] : 200; w ::= h
  print "P4\n$w $h" 
  bytes-per-row ::= w >> 3
  initial-r ::= List w
  initial-i ::= List w 
  inv ::= 2.0 / w 
  for xy := 0; xy < w; xy++:    
    i := inv * xy
    initial-r[xy] = i - 1.5
    initial-i[xy] = i - 1.0
  for y := 0; y < h; ++y:
    row := ByteArray bytes-per-row
    for x-byte := 0; x-byte < bytes-per-row; x-byte++:  
      ci := initial-i[y]    
      res := 0
      for i := 0; i < 8; i += 2:    
        x := x-byte << 3
        cr1 := initial-r[x + i]
        cr2 := initial-r[x + i + 1] 
        zr1 := cr1 
        zi1 := ci        
        zr2 := cr2 
        zi2 := ci           
        b := 0
        for j := 0; j < ITER; j++:         
          tr1 ::= zr1 * zr1
          ti1 ::= zi1 * zi1        
          zi1 = 2 * zr1 * zi1 + ci          
          zr1 = tr1 - ti1 + cr1          
          if tr1 + ti1 > LIMIT:
            b |= 2          
            if b == 3: break
          tr2 ::= zr2 * zr2
          ti2 ::= zi2 * zi2          
          zi2 = 2 * zr2 * zi2 + ci  
          zr2 = tr2 - ti2 + cr2    
          if tr2 + ti2 > LIMIT:
            b |= 1          
            if b == 3: break          
        res = (res << 2) | b    
      row[x-byte] = ~res          
    pipe.stdout.write row        

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core

 Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:48:35 GMT

cp -r Include/toit/.packages .
cp -r Include/toit/package.lock .
cp -r Include/toit/package.yaml .	
/opt/src/toit/bin/toit.compile -O2 --strip -o mandelbrot.toit-2.toit_run mandelbrot.toit-2.toit 

1.45s to complete and log all make actions

 ./mandelbrot.toit-2.toit_run 16000