The Computer Language
25.03 Benchmarks Game

mandelbrot C++ g++ #4 program

source code

// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// Contributed by Markus Flad
// compile with following g++ flags
//  -std=c++17 -O3 -Wall -march=native -mno-fma

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <thread>
#include <climits>
#if defined(__AVX512BW__) || defined(__AVX__) || defined(__SSE__)
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Put everything in a namespace forces inlining
namespace {

const auto numberOfCpuCores = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();

// The PortableBinaryBitmap manages access to the pbm output file and provides
// interlaced canvases that allow threads to write to the bitmap in parallel.
class PortableBinaryBitmap {
    using Size=std::size_t;
    PortableBinaryBitmap(std::ostream& ostr, Size width, Size height)
    : _ostr (ostr)
    , _width (roundToMultiple(width, CHAR_BIT))
    , _height (roundToMultiple(height, numberOfCpuCores))
    , _data ((_width * _height) / CHAR_BIT) {
        _ostr << "P4" << '\n';
        _ostr << _width << ' ' << _height << '\n';
    ~PortableBinaryBitmap() {
        _ostr.write(, _data.size());
    Size width() const {
        return _width;
    Size height() const {
        return _height;
    Size widthInBytes() const {
        return _width / CHAR_BIT;
    struct Line {
        constexpr static Size pixelsPerWrite() {
            return CHAR_BIT;
        Size y;
        Size width;
        char* data;
    // The InterlacedCanvas provides interlaced access to the bitmap data. Each
    // thread must use its own InterlacedCanvas to write to the bitmap.
    class InterlacedCanvas {
        class Iterator {
            Iterator(Size y, Size _width, char* data,
                    Size interlaceIncrement, Size dataPointerIncrement)
            : _il {y, _width, data}
            , _interlaceIncrement (interlaceIncrement)
            , _dataPointerIncrement (dataPointerIncrement) {
            Line& operator*() {
                return _il;
            bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const {
                return !=;
            Iterator& operator++() {
                _il.y += _interlaceIncrement;
       += _dataPointerIncrement;
                return *this;
            Line _il;
            Size _interlaceIncrement;
            Size _dataPointerIncrement;
        InterlacedCanvas(PortableBinaryBitmap& pbm, Size yStart, Size increment)
        : _pbm (pbm)
        , _yStart (yStart)
        , _increment (increment)
        , _dataStart (yStart * pbm.widthInBytes())
        , _dataPointerIncrement (increment * pbm.widthInBytes()) {
        Size width() const {
            return _pbm.width();
        Size height() const {
            return _pbm.height();
        Iterator begin() {
            return Iterator(_yStart, _pbm.width(),
           + _dataStart,
                    _increment, _dataPointerIncrement);
        Iterator end() {
            return Iterator(_yStart + _pbm.height(), _pbm.width(),
           + _pbm._data.size() + _dataStart,
                    _increment, _dataPointerIncrement);
        PortableBinaryBitmap& _pbm;
        Size _yStart;
        Size _increment;
        Size _dataStart;
        Size _dataPointerIncrement;
    std::vector<InterlacedCanvas> provideInterlacedCanvas(Size increment)
            noexcept {
        std::vector<InterlacedCanvas> interlacedCanvasVector;
        for (Size yStart=0; yStart<increment; yStart++) {
            interlacedCanvasVector.emplace_back(*this, yStart, increment);
        return interlacedCanvasVector;
    static Size roundToMultiple (Size number, Size base) {
        return number + ((number % base) ? (base - number % base) : 0);
    std::ostream& _ostr;
    Size _width;
    Size _height;
    std::vector<char> _data;

// If the system does not support SIMD, NoSimdUnion can be used.
struct NoSimdUnion {
    using NumberType = double;
    using SimdRegisterType = double;
    : reg(val) {
    NoSimdUnion(const NoSimdUnion& other)
    : reg(val) {
        std::copy(std::begin(other.val), std::end(other.val), std::begin(val));
    NoSimdUnion& operator=(const NoSimdUnion& other) {
        std::copy(std::begin(other.val), std::end(other.val), std::begin(val));
        return *this;
    bool operator>(const double& threshold) const {
        return std::all_of(std::begin(val), std::end(val),
                [&threshold](double v) {
            return v > threshold;
    char lteToPixels(double threshold) const {
        char result = 0;
        if (val[0] <= threshold) result |= 0b10000000;
        if (val[1] <= threshold) result |= 0b01000000;
        if (val[2] <= threshold) result |= 0b00100000;
        if (val[3] <= threshold) result |= 0b00010000;
        if (val[4] <= threshold) result |= 0b00001000;
        if (val[5] <= threshold) result |= 0b00000100;
        if (val[6] <= threshold) result |= 0b00000010;
        if (val[7] <= threshold) result |= 0b00000001;
        return result;
    SimdRegisterType* reg;
    NumberType val[8];

#if defined(__AVX512BW__) || defined(__AVX__) || defined(__SSE__)
union Simd128DUnion {
    using NumberType = double;
    using SimdRegisterType = __m128d;
    SimdRegisterType reg[4];
    NumberType val[8];
    bool operator>(const __m128d& threshold) const {
        // Note: Architectures like core2 provide SSE, but no VCMPGTPD
        // (greater-than) instruction. Therefore we use vcmplepd (less-equal)
        // and invert.
        return std::all_of(std::begin(reg), std::end(reg),
                [&threshold](__m128d r) {
            __m128d cmpRes = _mm_cmple_pd(r, threshold);
            return !_mm_movemask_pd(cmpRes);
    char lteToPixels(const __m128d& threshold) const {
        __m128d r0 = _mm_cmple_pd(reg[0], threshold);
        __m128d r1 = _mm_cmple_pd(reg[1], threshold);
        __m128d r2 = _mm_cmple_pd(reg[2], threshold);
        __m128d r3 = _mm_cmple_pd(reg[3], threshold);
        char c0 = _mm_movemask_pd(r0);
        char c1 = _mm_movemask_pd(r1);
        char c2 = _mm_movemask_pd(r2);
        char c3 = _mm_movemask_pd(r3);
        c0 <<= 6;
        c1 <<= 4;
        c2 <<= 2;
        return c0 | c1 | c2 | c3;

union Simd256DUnion {
    using NumberType = double;
    using SimdRegisterType = __m256d;
    SimdRegisterType reg[2];
    NumberType val[8];
    bool operator>(const __m256d& threshold) const {
        // Note: Architectures like Haswell provide AVX-2, but no VCMPGTPD
        // (greater-than) instruction. Therefore we use vcmplepd (less-equal).
        return std::all_of(std::begin(reg), std::end(reg),
                [&threshold](__m256d r) {
            __m256d cmpRes = _mm256_cmp_pd(r, threshold, _CMP_LE_OQ);
            return _mm256_testz_pd(cmpRes, cmpRes);
    char lteToPixels(const __m256d& threshold) const {
        __m256d r0 = _mm256_cmp_pd(reg[0], threshold, _CMP_LE_OQ);
        __m256d r1 = _mm256_cmp_pd(reg[1], threshold, _CMP_LE_OQ);
        char c0 = _mm256_movemask_pd(r0);
        char c1 = _mm256_movemask_pd(r1);
        c0 <<= 4;
        return c0 | c1;

union Simd512DUnion {
    using NumberType = double;
    using SimdRegisterType = __m512d;
    SimdRegisterType reg[1];
    NumberType val[8];
    bool operator>(const __m512d& threshold) const {
        return _mm512_cmp_pd_mask(reg[0], threshold, _CMP_GT_OQ);
    char lteToPixels(const __m512d& threshold) const {
        return _mm512_cmp_pd_mask(reg[0], threshold, _CMP_LE_OQ);
#endif // defined(__AVX512BW__) || defined(__AVX__) || defined(__SSE__)

template<class SimdUnion>
constexpr std::size_t numberOfNumbers() {
    return sizeof(SimdUnion::val) / sizeof(typename SimdUnion::NumberType);
template<class SimdUnion>
constexpr std::size_t numberOfNumbersInRegister() {
    return sizeof(typename SimdUnion::SimdRegisterType) /
            sizeof(typename SimdUnion::NumberType);
template<class SimdUnion>
constexpr std::size_t numberOfRegisters() {
    return numberOfNumbers<SimdUnion>() /
template<class SimdUnion>
void setValueInReg(typename SimdUnion::SimdRegisterType& reg,
              typename SimdUnion::NumberType v) {
    using SimdRegisterType = typename SimdUnion::SimdRegisterType;
    constexpr auto numbersInReg = numberOfNumbersInRegister<SimdUnion>();
    if constexpr (numbersInReg == 1) {
        reg = v;
    } else if constexpr (numbersInReg == 2) {
        reg = SimdRegisterType{v, v};
    } else if constexpr (numbersInReg == 4) {
        reg = SimdRegisterType{v, v, v, v};
    } else if constexpr (numbersInReg == 8) {
        reg = SimdRegisterType{v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v};
template<class SimdUnion>
void setValue(SimdUnion& simdUnion, typename SimdUnion::NumberType v) {
    using SimdRegisterType = typename SimdUnion::SimdRegisterType;
    SimdRegisterType* vValues = simdUnion.reg;
    constexpr auto numbersInReg = numberOfNumbersInRegister<SimdUnion>();
    for (std::size_t i=0; i<numberOfNumbers<SimdUnion>(); i+=numbersInReg) {
        setValueInReg<SimdUnion>(*vValues, v);
// Special method that reverses the order of numbers in one register. This
// helps for using SIMD functions to get bit masks already in the correct order
// needed for the portable bitmap.
template<class SimdUnion, class Functor>
void setRealValuesReverseInReg(SimdUnion& simdUnion, Functor f) {
    constexpr auto numbersInReg = numberOfNumbersInRegister<SimdUnion>();
    std::size_t n=0;
    for (std::size_t i=0; i<numberOfNumbers<SimdUnion>(); i+=numbersInReg) {
        for (std::size_t j=numbersInReg; j>0; j--) {
            simdUnion.val[i+j-1] = f(n);

// VectorizedComplex provides a convenient interface to deal with complex
// numbers and uses the power of SIMD for high execution speed.
template <class SimdUnion>
class VectorizedComplex {
    using NumberType = typename SimdUnion::NumberType;
    using SimdRegisterType = typename SimdUnion::SimdRegisterType;
    using Size = std::size_t;

    VectorizedComplex() = default;
    VectorizedComplex(const VectorizedComplex&) = default;
    VectorizedComplex& operator=(const VectorizedComplex&) = default;
    VectorizedComplex(const SimdUnion& reals, NumberType commonImagValue)
    : _reals(reals) {
        setValue(_imags, commonImagValue);
    VectorizedComplex& squareAndAdd(const VectorizedComplex& c,
            SimdUnion& squaredAbs) {
        for (Size i=0; i<numberOfRegisters<SimdUnion>(); i++) {
            auto realSquared = _reals.reg[i] * _reals.reg[i];
            auto imagSquared = _imags.reg[i] * _imags.reg[i];
            auto realTimesImag = _reals.reg[i] * _imags.reg[i];
            _reals.reg[i] = realSquared - imagSquared + c._reals.reg[i];
            _imags.reg[i] = realTimesImag + realTimesImag + c._imags.reg[i];
            squaredAbs.reg[i] = realSquared + imagSquared;
        return *this;
    SimdUnion _reals;
    SimdUnion _imags;

// The ComplexPlaneCalculator performs function f(c), with c as a
// VectorizedComplex and a byte as the return value. Due to its eightfold
// vectorization, each returned bit can return a Boolean value from the
// calculation f(c). The full byte is then written to the canvas. This is done
// until the whole bitmap is filled.
template <class SimdUnion, class Functor>
class ComplexPlaneCalculator {
    using VComplex = VectorizedComplex<SimdUnion>;
    using NumberType = typename SimdUnion::NumberType;
    using Line = typename PortableBinaryBitmap::Line;
    using Size = std::size_t;

    ComplexPlaneCalculator(const std::complex<NumberType>& cFirst,
            const std::complex<NumberType>& cLast,
            PortableBinaryBitmap::InterlacedCanvas& canvas, Functor f)
    : _cFirst(cFirst)
    , _cLast(cLast)
    , _canvas(canvas)
    , _f(f) {
        static_assert(numberOfNumbers<SimdUnion>() == Line::pixelsPerWrite());
    void operator()() noexcept {
        const NumberType realRange = _cLast.real() - _cFirst.real();
        const NumberType imagRange = _cLast.imag() - _cFirst.imag();
        const NumberType rasterReal = realRange / _canvas.width();
        const NumberType rasterImag = imagRange / _canvas.height();
        std::vector<SimdUnion> cRealValues;
        cRealValues.reserve(_canvas.width() / Line::pixelsPerWrite());
        for (Size x=0; x<_canvas.width(); x+=Line::pixelsPerWrite()) {
            SimdUnion cReals;
            setRealValuesReverseInReg(cReals, [&](Size i){
                return _cFirst.real() + (x+i)*rasterReal;
        for (Line& line : _canvas) {
            char* nextPixels =;
            char lastPixels = 0x00;
            const NumberType cImagValue = _cFirst.imag() + line.y*rasterImag;
            for (const SimdUnion& cReals : cRealValues) {
                const VComplex c(cReals, cImagValue);
                *nextPixels = _f(c, lastPixels);
                lastPixels = *nextPixels;
    std::complex<NumberType> _cFirst;
    std::complex<NumberType> _cLast;
    PortableBinaryBitmap::InterlacedCanvas _canvas;
    Functor _f;

// Functor calculating a Mandelbrot iteration for a VectorizedComplex. This
// means that for eight complex numbers the Mandelbrot calculation is
// (potentially) executed in parallel. The result is a byte that contains a 1
// for each bit if the corresponding complex number is in the Mandelbrot set,
// and a 0 if it is not.
template <class SimdUnion>
class MandelbrotFunction {
    using VComplex = VectorizedComplex<SimdUnion>;
    using SimdRegisterType = typename SimdUnion::SimdRegisterType;
    using NumberType = typename SimdUnion::NumberType;
    using Size = std::size_t;
    constexpr static Size ITERATIONS_WITHOUT_CHECK = 5;
    constexpr static char NONE_IN_MANDELBROT_SET = 0x00;

    MandelbrotFunction(Size maxIterations, NumberType pointOfNoReturn = 2.0)
    : _maxOuterIterations(maxIterations / ITERATIONS_WITHOUT_CHECK - 2) {
                pointOfNoReturn * pointOfNoReturn);
    inline static void doMandelbrotIterations(VComplex& z, const VComplex& c,
            SimdUnion& squaredAbs) {
        for (Size j=0; j<ITERATIONS_WITHOUT_CHECK; j++) {
            z.squareAndAdd(c, squaredAbs);
    char operator()(const VComplex& c, char lastPixels) const {
        VComplex z = c;
        SimdUnion squaredAbs;
        if (lastPixels == NONE_IN_MANDELBROT_SET) {
            for (Size i=0; i<_maxOuterIterations; i++) {
                doMandelbrotIterations(z, c, squaredAbs);
                if (squaredAbs > _squaredPointOfNoReturn) {
                    return NONE_IN_MANDELBROT_SET;
        } else {
            for (Size i=0; i<_maxOuterIterations; i++) {
                doMandelbrotIterations(z, c, squaredAbs);
        doMandelbrotIterations(z, c, squaredAbs);
        doMandelbrotIterations(z, c, squaredAbs);
        return squaredAbs.lteToPixels(_squaredPointOfNoReturn);
    Size _maxOuterIterations;
    SimdRegisterType _squaredPointOfNoReturn;

#if defined(__AVX512BW__)
using SystemSimdUnion = Simd512DUnion;
#elif defined __AVX__
using SystemSimdUnion = Simd256DUnion;
#elif defined __SSE__
using SystemSimdUnion = Simd128DUnion;
using SystemSimdUnion = NoSimdUnion;

} // end namespace

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    using NumberType = SystemSimdUnion::NumberType;
    using ComplexNumber = std::complex<NumberType>;
    using MandelbrotCalculator = ComplexPlaneCalculator<SystemSimdUnion,
    std::size_t n = 16000;
    if (argc>=2) {
        n = atoi(argv[1]);
    const std::size_t maxIterations = 50;
    PortableBinaryBitmap pbm(std::cout, n, n);
    auto canvasVector = pbm.provideInterlacedCanvas(numberOfCpuCores);
    std::vector<std::thread> threads;
    for (auto& canvas : canvasVector) {
        threads.emplace_back(MandelbrotCalculator (ComplexNumber(-1.5, -1.0),
                ComplexNumber(0.5, 1.0), canvas,
                MandelbrotFunction<SystemSimdUnion> (maxIterations)));
    for (auto& t : threads) {
    return 0;

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
g++ (Ubuntu 14.2.0-4ubuntu2) 14.2.0

 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 04:13:48 GMT

/usr/bin/g++ -c -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=ivybridge  -std=c++17 -mno-fma mandelbrot.gpp-4.c++ -o mandelbrot.gpp-4.c++.o &&  \
        /usr/bin/g++ mandelbrot.gpp-4.c++.o -o mandelbrot.gpp-4.gpp_run -pthread 
rm mandelbrot.gpp-4.c++

5.04s to complete and log all make actions

 ./mandelbrot.gpp-4.gpp_run 16000