source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
* Contributed by Martin Koistinen
* Based on mandelbrot.c contributed by Greg Buchholz and The Go Authors
* flag.Arg hack by Isaac Gouy
* Large changes by Bill Broadley, including:
* 1) Switching the one goroutine per line to one per CPU
* 2) Replacing gorouting calls with channels
* 3) Handling out of order results in the file writer.
* modified by Sean Lake
package main
import (
/* targeting a q6600 system, two cpu workers per core */
const pool = 8
const log2pool = 3
const LIMIT = 2.0
const ITER = 50 // Benchmark parameter
const SIZE = 16000
var bytesPerRow int
// This func is responsible for rendering a row of pixels,
// and when complete writing it out to the file.
func renderRow(w, h, y0, maxiter int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, fieldChan chan<- []byte) {
var Zr, Zi, Tr, Ti, Cr float64
var x, i int
//All fields have at least floor( h / pool ) rows
//numRows := h / pool //Uncomment if pool is not a power of 2
numRows := h >> log2pool //Comment out if pool is not a power of 2
//Add one more row if this renderer needs to cover the extra row
/*if y0 < h % pool { //Uncomment if pool is not a power of 2
if y0 < h&int(pool-1) { //Comment out if pool is not a power of 2
field := make([]byte, numRows*bytesPerRow)
for y := 0; y < numRows; y++ {
offset := bytesPerRow * y
//uncomment if pool is not a power of 2
//Ci := (float64((y * pool + y0) << 1)/float64(h) - 1.0)
//comment out if pool is not a power of 2
Ci := (float64((y<<log2pool+y0)<<1)/float64(h) - 1.0)
for x = 0; x < w; x++ {
Zr, Zi, Tr, Ti = 0, 0, 0, 0
Cr = (float64(x<<1)/float64(w) - 1.5)
for i = 0; i < maxiter && Tr+Ti <= LIMIT*LIMIT; i++ {
Zr, Zi = Tr-Ti+Cr, 2*Zr*Zi+Ci
Tr, Ti = Zr*Zr, Zi*Zi
// Store the value in the array of ints
if Tr+Ti <= LIMIT*LIMIT {
field[offset+(x>>3)] |= (byte(1) << uint(7-(x&int(7))))
//Signal finish
fieldChan <- field
func main() {
size := SIZE // Contest settings
maxiter := ITER
// Get input, if any...
if flag.NArg() > 0 {
size, _ = strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0))
w, h := size, size
bytesPerRow = w / 8
out := bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
defer out.Flush()
fmt.Fprintf(out, "P4\n%d %d\n", w, h)
fieldChans := make([]chan []byte, pool)
/* Wait group for finish */
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
// start pool workers, and assign all work
for y := 0; y < pool; y++ {
fc := make(chan []byte)
fieldChans[y] = fc
go renderRow(w, h, y, maxiter, wg, fc)
fields := make([][]byte, pool)
/* wait for the file workers to finish, then write */
for y := 0; y < pool; y++ {
fields[y] = <-fieldChans[y]
//Interlace the fields for write out
var rowEnd int
for rowStart := 0; rowStart < len(fields[0]); rowStart = rowEnd {
rowEnd = rowStart + bytesPerRow
for fieldNum := 0; fieldNum < pool &&
rowStart < len(fields[fieldNum]); fieldNum++ {
notes, command-line, and program output
64-bit Ubuntu quad core
go version go1.23.1 linux/amd64
Sat, 11 Jan 2025 03:39:17 GMT
/opt/src/go1.23.1/go/bin/go build -o mandelbrot.go-2.go_run mandelbrot.go-2.go
5.69s to complete and log all make actions
./mandelbrot.go-2.go_run 16000