source code
-- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
-- Contributed by Jim Rogers
-- Modified by Pascal Obry, Gautier de Montmollin, Georg Bauhaus, Jonathan Parker
pragma Restrictions (No_Abort_Statements);
pragma Restrictions (Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting => 0);
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO; use Ada.Streams;
procedure Mandelbrot is
type Real is digits 15;
type M8 is mod 8;
type PCount is range 0 .. 2**20 - 1;
Iter : constant := 50;
Limit : constant := 4.0;
Size : constant Positive := Positive'Value (Argument (1));
Two_on_Size : constant Real := 2.0 / Real (Size);
subtype Output_Index is Stream_Element_Offset range 1 .. Stream_Element_Offset'Last;
subtype Output_Queue is Stream_Element_Array;
type Output is access Output_Queue;
task type X_Step is
entry Compute_Z (Y1, Y2 : PCount);
entry Get_Output (Result : out Output);
end X_Step;
procedure Allocate_Output_Queue (Y1, Y2 : PCount; Result : out Output);
pragma Precondition
(Output_Index'First = 1);
pragma Postcondition
(Result'First = Output_Index'First and
Result'Last = Output_Index'Max
(0, Stream_Element_Offset (Integer (Y2 - Y1) * (Size / 8 + Boolean'Pos (Size mod 8 > 0)))));
procedure Compute (Y1, Y2 : PCount; Result : Output)
subtype Instruction_Stream_Index is Integer range 1 .. 2;
pragma Assert (Instruction_Stream_Index'First = 1);
Bit_Num : M8 := 0;
Byte_Acc : Unsigned_8 := 0;
Byte_Acc_Storage : array (Instruction_Stream_Index) of Unsigned_8;
Last : Stream_Element_Offset := Result'First - 1;
for Y in Y1 .. Y2 - 1 loop
for X in 0 .. Size / Instruction_Stream_Index'Last - 1 loop
Cr_1 : constant Real := Two_on_Size * (Real (2*X)) - 1.5;
Ci_1 : constant Real := Two_on_Size * (Real (Y)) - 1.0;
Zr_1 : Real := Cr_1;
Zi_1 : Real := Ci_1;
ZZi_1 : Real := Zi_1 * Zi_1;
ZZr_1 : Real := Zr_1 * Zr_1;
Z_1_Exceeded_Limit : Boolean := False;
Tmp_1 : Real;
Cr_2 : constant Real := Two_on_Size * (Real (2*X + 1)) - 1.5;
Ci_2 : constant Real := Two_on_Size * (Real (Y)) - 1.0;
Zr_2 : Real := Cr_2;
Zi_2 : Real := Ci_2;
ZZi_2 : Real := Zi_2 * Zi_2;
ZZr_2 : Real := Zr_2 * Zr_2;
Z_2_Exceeded_Limit : Boolean := False;
Tmp_2 : Real;
for I in 1 .. Iter loop
Tmp_1 := Zr_1 * Zi_1;
Tmp_2 := Zr_2 * Zi_2;
Zr_1 := Cr_1 - ZZi_1;
Zr_2 := Cr_2 - ZZi_2;
Zi_1 := Ci_1 + Tmp_1 + Tmp_1;
Zi_2 := Ci_2 + Tmp_2 + Tmp_2;
Zr_1 := Zr_1 + ZZr_1;
Zr_2 := Zr_2 + ZZr_2;
if not Z_1_Exceeded_Limit then
if ZZi_1 + ZZr_1 > Limit then
Z_1_Exceeded_Limit := True;
end if;
end if;
if not Z_1_Exceeded_Limit then
ZZr_1 := Zr_1 * Zr_1;
ZZi_1 := Zi_1 * Zi_1;
end if;
if not Z_2_Exceeded_Limit then
if ZZi_2 + ZZr_2 > Limit then
Z_2_Exceeded_Limit := True;
end if;
end if;
if not Z_2_Exceeded_Limit then
ZZr_2 := Zr_2 * Zr_2;
ZZi_2 := Zi_2 * Zi_2;
end if;
exit when Z_2_Exceeded_Limit and Z_1_Exceeded_Limit;
end loop;
if Z_1_Exceeded_Limit then
Byte_Acc := Shift_Left (Byte_Acc, 1) or 16#00#;
Byte_Acc := Shift_Left (Byte_Acc, 1) or 16#01#;
end if;
Byte_Acc_Storage (1) := Byte_Acc;
if Z_2_Exceeded_Limit then
Byte_Acc := Shift_Left (Byte_Acc, 1) or 16#00#;
Byte_Acc := Shift_Left (Byte_Acc, 1) or 16#01#;
end if;
Byte_Acc_Storage (2) := Byte_Acc;
for j in Byte_Acc_Storage'Range loop
Bit_Num := Bit_Num + 1;
if Bit_Num = 0 then
Last := Last + 1;
Result (Last) := Stream_Element (Byte_Acc_Storage (j));
Byte_Acc := 0;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
case M8 (Size mod 8) is
when 0 =>
when 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 =>
pragma Assert (False); -- odd Size not covered
when 2 | 4 | 6 =>
Byte_Acc_Storage (2) := Shift_Left (Byte_Acc, 8 - (Size mod 8));
Last := Last + 1;
Result (Last) := Stream_Element (Byte_Acc_Storage (2));
Byte_Acc := 0;
Bit_Num := 0;
end case;
end loop;
end Compute;
task body X_Step is
Y1, Y2 : PCount;
Data : Output;
accept Compute_Z (Y1, Y2 : PCount) do
X_Step.Y1 := Y1;
X_Step.Y2 := Y2;
end Compute_Z;
Allocate_Output_Queue (Y1, Y2, Result => Data);
Compute (Y1, Y2, Result => Data);
accept Get_Output (Result : out Output) do
Result := Data;
end Get_Output;
end X_Step;
procedure Allocate_Output_Queue (Y1, Y2 : PCount; Result : out Output) is
Limit : constant Natural := Natural'Max
Integer (Y2 - Y1) * (Size / 8 + Boolean'Pos (Size mod 8 > 0)));
Result := new Output_Queue (1 .. Output_Index'Base (Limit));
end Allocate_Output_Queue;
pragma Assert (Size mod 2 = 0, "Size must be even at present");
subtype Worker_Index is Natural range 0 .. 32;
Chunk_Size : constant Positive :=
(Size + Worker_Index'Last) / Worker_Index'Last;
Worker : array (Worker_Index) of X_Step;
pragma Assert (Worker'Length * Chunk_Size >= Size);
pragma Assert (Worker'First = 0);
for P in Worker'Range loop
Worker (P).Compute_Z
(Y1 => PCount (P * Chunk_Size),
Y2 => PCount (Positive'Min ((P + 1) * Chunk_Size, Size)));
end loop;
Stdout : Stream_IO.File_Type;
Header : constant String := "P4" & ASCII.LF &
Argument (1) & " " & Argument (1) & ASCII.LF;
Buffer : Output;
Header_Bytes : Stream_Element_Array (1 .. Header'Length);
pragma Import (Ada, Header_Bytes);
for Header_Bytes'Address use Header'Address;
Stream_IO.Open (Stdout, Stream_IO.Out_File, "/dev/stdout");
Stream_IO.Write (Stdout, Header_Bytes);
for P in Worker'Range loop
Worker (P).Get_Output (Result => Buffer);
Stream_IO.Write (Stdout, Buffer.all);
end loop;
end Mandelbrot;
notes, command-line, and program output
64-bit Ubuntu quad core
Fri, 10 Jan 2025 04:20:11 GMT
gnatchop -r -w mandelbrot.gnat-3.gnat
splitting mandelbrot.gnat-3.gnat into:
gnatmake -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=ivybridge -gnatn2 -f mandelbrot.adb -o mandelbrot.gnat-3.gnat_run
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-13 -c -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=ivybridge -gnatn2 mandelbrot.adb
x86_64-linux-gnu-gnatbind-13 -x mandelbrot.ali
x86_64-linux-gnu-gnatlink-13 mandelbrot.ali -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=ivybridge -o mandelbrot.gnat-3.gnat_run
3.53s to complete and log all make actions
./mandelbrot.gnat-3.gnat_run 16000