The Computer Language
25.03 Benchmarks Game

mandelbrot C# #9 program

source code

/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game

   started with Java #2 program (Krause/Whipkey/Bennet/AhnTran/Enotus/Stalcup)
   adapted for C# by Jan de Vaan
   simplified and optimised to use TPL by Anthony Lloyd
   optimized to use Vector<double> by Tanner Gooding
   small optimisations by Anthony Lloyd
   modified by Grigory Perepechko

using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class MandelBrot
    static unsafe byte GetByte(double* pCrb, double Ciby)
        var res = 0;
        for (var i=0; i<8; i+=2)
            var vCrbx = Unsafe.Read<Vector<double>>(pCrb+i);
            var vCiby = new Vector<double>(Ciby);
            var Zr = vCrbx;
            var Zi = vCiby;
            int b = 0, j = 49;
                for (int counter = 0; counter < 7; counter++)
                    var nZr = Zr * Zr - Zi * Zi + vCrbx;
                    var ZrZi = Zr * Zi;
                    Zi = ZrZi + ZrZi + vCiby;
                    Zr = nZr;

                var t = Zr * Zr + Zi * Zi;
                if (t[0]>4.0) { b|=2; if (b==3) break; }
                if (t[1]>4.0) { b|=1; if (b==3) break; }
            } while (j>0);
            res = (res << 2) + b;
        return (byte)(res^-1);
    public static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
        var size = args.Length==0 ? 200 : int.Parse(args[0]);
        Console.Out.WriteAsync(String.Concat("P4\n",size," ",size,"\n"));
        var Crb = new double[size+2];
        var lineLength = size >> 3;
        var data = new byte[size * lineLength];
        fixed (double* pCrb = &Crb[0])
        fixed (byte* pdata = &data[0])
            var value = new Vector<double>(
                  new double[] {0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0}
            var invN = new Vector<double>(2.0/size);
            var onePtFive = new Vector<double>(1.5);
            var step = new Vector<double>(2);
            for (var i=0; i<size; i+=2)
                Unsafe.Write(pCrb+i, value*invN-onePtFive);
                value += step;
            var _Crb = pCrb;
            var _pdata = pdata;
            Parallel.For(0, size, y =>
                var Ciby = _Crb[y]+0.5;
                for (var x=0; x<lineLength; x++)
                    _pdata[y*lineLength+x] = GetByte(_Crb+x*8, Ciby);
            Console.OpenStandardOutput().Write(data, 0, data.Length);

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
.NET SDK 9.0.100
Host Version: 9.0.0
Commit: 9d5a6a9aa4


 Thu, 06 Feb 2025 08:02:59 GMT

cp mandelbrot.csharpcore-9.csharpcore Program.cs
cp Include/csharpcore/program.csproj .
/opt/src/dotnet-sdk-9.0.100/dotnet build -r linux-x64 -c Release	
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored /home/dunham/all-benchmarksgame/benchmarksgame_i53330/mandelbrot/tmp/program.csproj (in 728 ms).
  program -> /home/dunham/all-benchmarksgame/benchmarksgame_i53330/mandelbrot/tmp/bin/Release/net9.0/linux-x64/program.dll

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:06.07

7.95s to complete and log all make actions

 ./bin/Release/net9.0/linux-x64/program 16000