source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
AVX2 version written from scratch by Chris Lomont
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
public class MandelBrot
static unsafe byte GetByte(double* pCrb, double Ciby)
var res = 0;
for (var i=0; i<8; i+=2)
var vCrbx = Unsafe.Read<Vector<double>>(pCrb+i);
var vCiby = new Vector<double>(Ciby);
var Zr = vCrbx;
var Zi = vCiby;
int b = 0, j = 49;
for (int counter = 0; counter < 7; counter++)
var nZr = Zr * Zr - Zi * Zi + vCrbx;
var ZrZi = Zr * Zi;
Zi = ZrZi + ZrZi + vCiby;
Zr = nZr;
var t = Zr * Zr + Zi * Zi;
if (t[0]>4.0) { b|=2; if (b==3) break; }
if (t[1]>4.0) { b|=1; if (b==3) break; }
} while (j>0);
res = (res << 2) + b;
return (byte)(res^-1);
public static unsafe void MainOld(string[] args)
var size = args.Length==0 ? 200 : int.Parse(args[0]);
Console.Out.WriteAsync(String.Concat("P4\n",size," ",size,"\n"));
var Crb = new double[size+2];
var lineLength = size >> 3;
var data = new byte[size * lineLength];
fixed (double* pCrb = &Crb[0])
fixed (byte* pdata = &data[0])
var value = new Vector<double>(
new double[] {0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0}
var invN = new Vector<double>(2.0/size);
var onePtFive = new Vector<double>(1.5);
var step = new Vector<double>(2);
for (var i=0; i<size; i+=2)
Unsafe.Write(pCrb+i, value*invN-onePtFive);
value += step;
var _Crb = pCrb;
var _pdata = pdata;
Parallel.For(0, size, y =>
var Ciby = _Crb[y]+0.5;
for (var x=0; x<lineLength; x++)
_pdata[y*lineLength+x] = GetByte(_Crb+x*8, Ciby);
Console.OpenStandardOutput().Write(data, 0, data.Length);
// x86 version, AVX2
static byte Process8(double x, double y, double dx)
// initial x coords
var x01 = Vector256.Create(x+0*dx,x+1*dx,x+2*dx,x+3*dx);
var x02 = Vector256.Create(x+4*dx,x+5*dx,x+6*dx,x+7*dx);
// initial y coords
var y0 = Vector256.Create(y);
Vector256<double> x1 = x01,y1 = y0; // current iteration 1
Vector256<double> x2 = x02,y2 = y0; // current iteration 2
Vector256<double> four = Vector256.Create(4.0); // 4 in each slot
var pass = 0;
// temp space, C# requires init.
// bit masks for results
uint res1=1,res2=1;
while (pass < 49 && (res1 != 0 || res2 != 0))
// do several between checks a time like other code
for (var p = 0 ; p < 7; ++p)
// unroll loop 2x to decrease register stalls
// squares x*x and y*y
x12 = Avx2.Multiply(x1,x1);
y12 = Avx2.Multiply(y1,y1);
x22 = Avx2.Multiply(x2,x2);
y22 = Avx2.Multiply(y2,y2);
// mixed products x*y
var xy1 = Avx2.Multiply(x1, y1);
var xy2 = Avx2.Multiply(x2, y2);
// diff of squares x*x - y*y
var ds1 = Avx2.Subtract(x12, y12);
var ds2 = Avx2.Subtract(x22, y22);
// 2*x*y
xy1 = Avx2.Add(xy1, xy1);
xy2 = Avx2.Add(xy2, xy2);
// next iters
y1 = Avx2.Add(xy1, y0);
y2 = Avx2.Add(xy2, y0);
x1 = Avx2.Add(ds1, x01);
x2 = Avx2.Add(ds2, x02);
// numbers overflow, which gives an Infinity or NaN, which,
// when compared N < 4, results in false, which is what we want
// sum of squares x*x + y*y, compare to 4 (escape mandelbrot)
var ss1 = Avx2.Add(x12, y12);
var ss2 = Avx2.Add(x22, y22);
// compare - puts all 0 in reg if false, else all 1 (=NaN bitwise)
// when each register is 0, then all points escaped, so exit
var cmp1 = Avx.Compare(ss1,four,
var cmp2 = Avx.Compare(ss2,four,
// take top bit from each byte
res1 = (uint)Avx2.MoveMask(Vector256.AsByte(cmp1));
res2 = (uint)Avx2.MoveMask(Vector256.AsByte(cmp2));
// can make a mask of bits in any order, which is the +7, +6, .., +1, +0
res1 &=
(1<<( 0+7)) |
(1<<( 8+6)) |
(1<<(16+5)) |
res2 &=
(1<<( 0+3)) |
(1<<( 8+2)) |
(1<<(16+1)) |
var res = res1|res2;
res |= res>>16;
res |= res>>8;
return (byte)(res);
static void Test(byte [] data)
var filename = "mandelbrot-output.txt";
if (!File.Exists(filename))
System.Console.WriteLine($"Cannot open file {filename}");
var len = data.Length;
var truth = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (data[i] != truth[i])
var bits = data[i]^truth[i];
System.Console.Write($"ERROR: Mismatch {i}: {data[i]:X2} != {truth[i]:X2}, ^={bits:X2},");
var x = ((i*8)%200);
var y = (i*8)/200;
while (bits != 0)
if ((bits&1) != 0)
System.Console.Write($"({x},{y}), ");
static byte Process8a(double x0_, double y0, double delta)
var ans = 0;
for (var bit = 0; bit < 8; ++bit)
var x0 = x0_+delta*bit;
double x1 = x0, y1 = y0;
for (var pass = 0; pass < 49; ++pass)
var xt = x1*x1-y1*y1+x0;
y1 = 2*x1*y1+y0;
x1 = xt;
ans <<= 1;
if (x1*x1 + y1*y1 <= 4.0)
ans |= 1;
x0 += delta;
return (byte)ans;
public static void MainNew(string[] args)
var size = args.Length<2 ? 200 : int.Parse(args[1]);
Console.Out.WriteAsync(String.Concat("P4\n",size," ",size,"\n"));
var lineLength = size >> 3;
var data = new byte[size * lineLength];
// step size
var delta = 2.0/size; // (0.5 - (-1.5))/size;
Parallel.For(0, size, y =>
var yd = y*delta-1;
for (var x=0; x<lineLength; x++)
var xd = (x*8)*delta-1.5;
data[y*lineLength+x] = Process8(xd,yd,delta);
//if (size == 200)
// Test(data);
Console.OpenStandardOutput().Write(data, 0, data.Length);
public static void Main(string[] args)
if (System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Avx2.IsSupported)