k-nucleotide Swift program
source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
contributed by Ralph Ganszky
modified by Michael Morrell
No match for key (for example "GGTATTTTAATT") causes --
"fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value"
import Glibc
import Dispatch
let mQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "mergeQueue")
func compress(_ seq: ArraySlice<UInt8>) -> Int {
var res = 0
for i in seq.indices {
res = (res << 2) | Int(seq[i])
return res
func getSequenceHash(_ n: Int, seq: [UInt8]) -> [Int:Int] {
var hash = [Int:Int]()
let slice = (seq.count-(n-1)) / ntasks
let remainder = (seq.count-(n-1)) % ntasks
let mask = n > 1 ? ((1 << (2*(n-1))) - 1) : 0
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: ntasks) { i in
var lHash = [Int:Int](minimumCapacity: 1 << min(n, 12))
var idx = compress(seq[i*slice..<i*slice+n])
lHash[idx] = (lHash[idx] ?? 0) + 1
let startIdx = i*slice+n
let endIdx = startIdx + slice - 1
for l in startIdx..<endIdx {
idx = ((idx & mask) << 2) | Int(seq[l])
lHash[idx] = (lHash[idx] ?? 0) + 1
mQueue.sync {
for (key, value) in lHash {
hash[key] = (hash[key] ?? 0) + value
let startIdx = seq.count - remainder - (n - 1)
let endIdx = seq.count - (n - 1)
for i in startIdx..<endIdx {
let idx = compress(seq[i..<i+n])
hash[idx] = (hash[idx] ?? 0) + 1
return hash
let c2i: [Character:Int] = [ "A": 0, "C": 1, "T": 2, "G": 3 ]
func encode(_ seq: String) -> Int {
let cSeq = seq.characters
var res = 0
for c in cSeq {
res = res << 2 | c2i[c]!
return res
func roundDouble(_ num: Double, precision: Int) -> String {
let exponent = pow(10.0, Double(precision))
let number = Double(Int(num * exponent + 0.5)) / exponent
var numberStr = "\(number)"
while numberStr.characters.count < Int(log10(num)) + 2 + precision {
numberStr = numberStr + "0"
return numberStr
func readInput() -> [UInt8] {
var seq = [UInt8]()
let pattern = ">THREE Homo sapiens frequency"
while let line = readLine() {
if line == pattern {
while let line = readLine() {
seq += Array(line.utf8)
return seq
// Read sequence
var sequence = readInput()
// rewrite bytes with 2bit code
for i in 0..<sequence.count {
sequence[i] = (sequence[i] & 0x6) >> 1
let hash = getSequenceHash(1, seq: sequence)
let i2c = [ 0: "A", 1: "C", 2: "T", 3: "G" ]
let total = hash.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.1 }
for k in hash.keys.sorted(by: {hash[$1]! < hash[$0]!}) {
print("\(i2c[k]!) \(roundDouble(100.0*Double(hash[k]!)/Double(total), precision: 3))")
let hash2 = getSequenceHash(2, seq: sequence)
let total2 = hash2.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.1 }
for k in hash2.keys.sorted(by: {hash2[$1]! < hash2[$0]!}) {
print("\(i2c[k>>2]!)\(i2c[k&3]!) \(roundDouble(100.0*Double(hash2[k]!)/Double(total2), precision: 3))")
let hash3 = getSequenceHash(3, seq: sequence)
let hash4 = getSequenceHash(4, seq: sequence)
let hash6 = getSequenceHash(6, seq: sequence)
let hash12 = getSequenceHash(12, seq: sequence)
let hash18 = getSequenceHash(18, seq: sequence)
notes, command-line, and program output
64-bit Ubuntu quad core
Swift version 6.0.3
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Sun, 23 Feb 2025 01:21:00 GMT
/opt/src/swift-6.0.3-RELEASE/usr/bin/swiftc knucleotide.swift -Ounchecked -wmo -o knucleotide.swift_run
knucleotide.swift:61:20: error: 'characters' is unavailable: Please use String directly
59 |
60 | func encode(_ seq: String) -> Int {
61 | let cSeq = seq.characters
| `- error: 'characters' is unavailable: Please use String directly
62 | var res = 0
63 | for c in cSeq {
Swift.String:5:16: note: 'characters' was obsoleted in Swift 5.0
3 | public typealias CharacterView = String
4 | @available(swift, deprecated: 3.2, obsoleted: 5.0, message: "Please use String directly")
5 | public var characters: String { get set }
| `- note: 'characters' was obsoleted in Swift 5.0
6 | @available(swift, deprecated: 3.2, obsoleted: 5.0, message: "Please mutate the String directly")
7 | public mutating func withMutableCharacters<R>(_ body: (inout String) -> R) -> R
knucleotide.swift:73:21: error: 'characters' is unavailable: Please use String directly
71 | let number = Double(Int(num * exponent + 0.5)) / exponent
72 | var numberStr = "\(number)"
73 | while numberStr.characters.count < Int(log10(num)) + 2 + precision {
| `- error: 'characters' is unavailable: Please use String directly
74 | numberStr = numberStr + "0"
75 | }
Swift.String:5:16: note: 'characters' was obsoleted in Swift 5.0
3 | public typealias CharacterView = String
4 | @available(swift, deprecated: 3.2, obsoleted: 5.0, message: "Please use String directly")
5 | public var characters: String { get set }
| `- note: 'characters' was obsoleted in Swift 5.0
6 | @available(swift, deprecated: 3.2, obsoleted: 5.0, message: "Please mutate the String directly")
7 | public mutating func withMutableCharacters<R>(_ body: (inout String) -> R) -> R
make: [/home/dunham/all-benchmarksgame/2000-benchmarksgame/nanobench/makefiles/u64q.programs.Makefile:479: knucleotide.swift_run] Error 1 (ignored)
7.11 seconds to complete and log all make actions
./knucleotide.swift_run 0 < knucleotide-input250000.txt