source code
// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// Contributed by Jeremy Zerfas
// This controls the maximum length for each set of oligonucleotide frequencies
// and each oligonucleotide count output by this program.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <khash.h>
// Define a custom hash function to use instead of khash's default hash
// function. This custom hash function uses a simpler bit shift and XOR which
// results in several percent faster performance compared to when khash's
// default hash function is used.
#define CUSTOM_HASH_FUNCTION(key) ((key) ^ (key)>>7)
KHASH_INIT(oligonucleotide, uint64_t, uint32_t, 1, CUSTOM_HASH_FUNCTION
, kh_int64_hash_equal)
// intptr_t should be the native integer type on most sane systems.
typedef intptr_t intnative_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t key;
uint32_t value;
} element;
// Macro to convert a nucleotide character to a code. Note that upper and lower
// case ASCII letters only differ in the fifth bit from the right and we only
// need the three least significant bits to differentiate the letters 'A', 'C',
// 'G', and 'T'. Spaces in this array/string will never be used as long as
// characters other than 'A', 'C', 'G', and 'T' aren't used.
#define code_For_Nucleotide(nucleotide) (" \0 \1\3 \2"[nucleotide & 0x7])
// And one more macro to convert the codes back to nucleotide characters.
#define nucleotide_For_Code(code) ("ACGT"[code & 0x3])
// Function to use when sorting elements with qsort() later. Elements with
// larger values will come first and in cases of identical values then elements
// with smaller keys will come first.
static int element_Compare(const element * const left_Element
, const element * const right_Element){
// Sort based on element values.
if(left_Element->value < right_Element->value) return 1;
if(left_Element->value > right_Element->value) return -1;
// If we got here then both items have the same value so then sort based on
// key.
return left_Element->key > right_Element->key ? 1 : -1;
// Generate frequencies for all oligonucleotides in polynucleotide that are of
// desired_Length_For_Oligonucleotides and then save it to output.
static void generate_Frequencies_For_Desired_Length_Oligonucleotides(
const char * const polynucleotide, const intnative_t polynucleotide_Length
, const intnative_t desired_Length_For_Oligonucleotides, char * const output){
khash_t(oligonucleotide) * hash_Table=kh_init(oligonucleotide);
uint64_t key=0;
const uint64_t mask=((uint64_t)1<<2*desired_Length_For_Oligonucleotides)-1;
// For the first several nucleotides we only need to append them to key in
// preparation for the insertion of complete oligonucleotides to hash_Table.
for(intnative_t i=0; i<desired_Length_For_Oligonucleotides-1; i++)
key=(key<<2 & mask) | polynucleotide[i];
// Add all the complete oligonucleotides of
// desired_Length_For_Oligonucleotides to hash_Table and update the count
// for each oligonucleotide.
for(intnative_t i=desired_Length_For_Oligonucleotides-1
; i<polynucleotide_Length; i++){
key=(key<<2 & mask) | polynucleotide[i];
int element_Was_Unused;
const khiter_t k=kh_put(oligonucleotide, hash_Table, key
, &element_Was_Unused);
// If the element_Was_Unused, then initialize the count to 1, otherwise
// increment the count.
kh_value(hash_Table, k)=1;
kh_value(hash_Table, k)++;
// Create an array of elements from hash_Table.
intnative_t elements_Array_Size=kh_size(hash_Table), i=0;
element * elements_Array=malloc(elements_Array_Size*sizeof(element));
uint32_t value;
kh_foreach(hash_Table, key, value
, elements_Array[i++]=((element){key, value}));
kh_destroy(oligonucleotide, hash_Table);
// Sort elements_Array.
qsort(elements_Array, elements_Array_Size, sizeof(element)
, (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) element_Compare);
// Print the frequencies for each oligonucleotide.
for(intnative_t output_Position=0, i=0; i<elements_Array_Size; i++){
// Convert the key for the oligonucleotide to a string.
char oligonucleotide[desired_Length_For_Oligonucleotides+1];
for(intnative_t j=desired_Length_For_Oligonucleotides-1; j>-1; j--){
// Output the frequency for oligonucleotide to output.
, MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_LENGTH-output_Position, "%s %.3f\n", oligonucleotide
, 100.0f*elements_Array[i].value
// Generate a count for the number of times oligonucleotide appears in
// polynucleotide and then save it to output.
static void generate_Count_For_Oligonucleotide(
const char * const polynucleotide, const intnative_t polynucleotide_Length
, const char * const oligonucleotide, char * const output){
const intnative_t oligonucleotide_Length=strlen(oligonucleotide);
khash_t(oligonucleotide) * const hash_Table=kh_init(oligonucleotide);
uint64_t key=0;
const uint64_t mask=((uint64_t)1<<2*oligonucleotide_Length)-1;
// For the first several nucleotides we only need to append them to key in
// preparation for the insertion of complete oligonucleotides to hash_Table.
for(intnative_t i=0; i<oligonucleotide_Length-1; i++)
key=(key<<2 & mask) | polynucleotide[i];
// Add all the complete oligonucleotides of oligonucleotide_Length to
// hash_Table and update the count for each oligonucleotide.
for(intnative_t i=oligonucleotide_Length-1; i<polynucleotide_Length; i++){
key=(key<<2 & mask) | polynucleotide[i];
int element_Was_Unused;
const khiter_t k=kh_put(oligonucleotide, hash_Table, key
, &element_Was_Unused);
// If the element_Was_Unused, then initialize the count to 1, otherwise
// increment the count.
kh_value(hash_Table, k)=1;
kh_value(hash_Table, k)++;
// Generate the key for oligonucleotide.
for(intnative_t i=0; i<oligonucleotide_Length; i++)
key=(key<<2) | code_For_Nucleotide(oligonucleotide[i]);
// Output the count for oligonucleotide to output.
khiter_t k=kh_get(oligonucleotide, hash_Table, key);
uintmax_t count=k==kh_end(hash_Table) ? 0 : kh_value(hash_Table, k);
snprintf(output, MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_LENGTH, "%ju\t%s", count, oligonucleotide);
kh_destroy(oligonucleotide, hash_Table);
int main(){
char buffer[4096];
// Find the start of the third polynucleotide.
while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin) && memcmp(">THREE", buffer
, sizeof(">THREE")-1));
// Start with 1 MB of storage for reading in the polynucleotide and grow
// geometrically.
intnative_t polynucleotide_Capacity=1048576;
intnative_t polynucleotide_Length=0;
char * polynucleotide=malloc(polynucleotide_Capacity);
// Start reading and encoding the third polynucleotide.
while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin) && buffer[0]!='>'){
for(intnative_t i=0; buffer[i]!='\0'; i++)
// Make sure we still have enough memory allocated for any potential
// nucleotides in the next line.
polynucleotide=realloc(polynucleotide, polynucleotide_Capacity*=2);
// Free up any leftover memory.
polynucleotide=realloc(polynucleotide, polynucleotide_Length);
char output_Buffer[7][MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_LENGTH];
// Do the following functions in parallel.
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
, polynucleotide_Length, "GGTATTTTAATTTATAGT", output_Buffer[6]);
#pragma omp section
, polynucleotide_Length, "GGTATTTTAATT", output_Buffer[5]);
#pragma omp section
, polynucleotide_Length, "GGTATT", output_Buffer[4]);
#pragma omp section
, polynucleotide_Length, "GGTA", output_Buffer[3]);
#pragma omp section
, polynucleotide_Length, "GGT", output_Buffer[2]);
#pragma omp section
, polynucleotide_Length, 2, output_Buffer[1]);
#pragma omp section
, polynucleotide_Length, 1, output_Buffer[0]);
// Output the results to stdout.
for(intnative_t i=0; i<7; printf("%s\n", output_Buffer[i++]));
return 0;