source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
contributed by Ben McDonald
derived from the Chapel #3 version by Ben Harshbarger and Brad Chamberlain
use IO, Map, Sort;
config param columns = 61;
proc main(args: [] string) {
// Create a non-locking version of 'stdin' and query its size
const consoleIn = new file(0),
fileLen = consoleIn.size,
stdin = consoleIn.reader(locking=false);
// Read line-by-line until we see a line beginning with '>TH'
var buff: [1..columns] uint(8),
lineSize = 0,
numRead = 0;
do {
lineSize = stdin.readLine(buff);
numRead += lineSize;
} while lineSize > 0 && !startsWithThree(buff);
// Read in the rest of the file
var dataDom = {1..fileLen-numRead},
data: [dataDom] uint(8),
idx = 1;
do {
lineSize = stdin.readLine(data[idx..], stripNewline=true);
idx += lineSize;
} while lineSize > 0;
// Resize our array to the amount actually read
dataDom = {1..idx};
// Make everything uppercase
forall d in data do
d -= ("a".toByte() - "A".toByte());
writeFreqs(data, 1);
writeFreqs(data, 2);
writeCount(data, "GGT");
writeCount(data, "GGTA");
writeCount(data, "GGTATT");
writeCount(data, "GGTATTTTAATT");
writeCount(data, "GGTATTTTAATTTATAGT");
proc writeFreqs(data, param nclSize) {
const freqs = calculate(data, nclSize);
// create an array of (frequency, sequence) tuples
var arr = for (s,f) in zip(freqs.keys(), freqs.values()) do (f,s.val);
// print the array, sorted by decreasing frequency
sort(arr, new reverseComparator());
for (f, s) in arr do
writef("%s %.3dr\n", decode(s, nclSize),
(100.0 * f) / (data.size - nclSize));
proc writeCount(data, param str) {
const strBytes = str.bytes(),
freqs = calculate(data, str.numBytes),
d = hash(strBytes, strBytes.domain.low, str.numBytes);
writeln(freqs.get(d, 0), "\t", decode(d.val, str.numBytes));
proc calculate(data, param nclSize) {
var freqs = new map(hashVal, int);
var lock: sync bool = true;
const numTasks = here.maxTaskPar;
coforall tid in 1..numTasks with (ref freqs) {
var myFreqs = new map(hashVal, int);
for i in tid..(data.size - nclSize) by numTasks do
myFreqs[hash(data, i, nclSize)] += 1;
lock.readFE(); // acquire lock
for (k,v) in zip(myFreqs.keys(), myFreqs.values()) do
freqs[k] += v;
lock.writeEF(true); // release lock
return freqs;
const toChar: [0..3] string = ["A", "C", "T", "G"];
var toNum: [0..127] int;
forall i in toChar.domain do
toNum[toChar[i].toByte()] = i;
inline proc decode(in data, param nclSize) {
var ret: string;
for i in 1..nclSize {
ret = toChar[(data & 3)] + ret;
data >>= 2;
return ret;
inline proc hash(str, beg, param size) {
var data = 0;
for i in 0..size-1 {
data <<= 2;
data |= toNum[str[beg+i]];
return new hashVal(data);
inline proc startsWithThree(data) {
return data[1] == ">".toByte() &&
data[2] == "T".toByte() &&
data[3] == "H".toByte();
record hashVal: hashable {
var val: int;
proc hash() {
return val: uint;