The Computer Language
24.09 Benchmarks Game

fasta C++ g++ #7 program

source code

/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game

contributed by Sylvester Saguban
inspired from C++ G++ #7 from Rafal Rusin and contributors
- uses more features of C++17 and TS concept's 'auto' function parameters
- more efficient multi-threading, which sadly is the reason why this
 this has more code than other implementations.
- data structure from array of struct to struct of arrays for better
  cache locality and higher chance of vectorization

compile with g++ 7.2
with these flags -std=c++17 -march=native -O3 -msse -msse2 -msse3

#include <array>
#include <cstdio>
#include <thread>
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <atomic>

struct Config
    static constexpr unsigned max_threads = 8;
    static constexpr unsigned min_threads = 1;
    static constexpr unsigned chars_per_line = 60;
    static constexpr unsigned max_proc = 4;
    static constexpr unsigned min_thread_work = (chars_per_line + 1) * 84;
    static constexpr unsigned max_thread_buff = (chars_per_line + 1) * 1024;

    static constexpr unsigned im = 139968, ia = 3877, ic = 29573;
    static constexpr float reciprocal = 1.0f / im;
    static inline FILE* output = stdout;

class ThreadMgr
    struct Proc {
        std::atomic<bool>   once;
        std::mutex          mtx;
        unsigned            index, index_reset;
    std::atomic<unsigned>       _out_sequence = 0;
    std::mutex                  _gen_mutex, _out_mutex;
    std::condition_variable     _cv;
    Proc                        _proc[ Config::max_proc ];
    unsigned                    _id_ctr = 0, _threads = 1, _proc_ctr = 0;
    struct Context {
        unsigned        index;
        union {
            alignas(16) std::array< int, Config::max_thread_buff > ibuff;
            alignas(16) std::array< char, Config::max_thread_buff > cbuff;

    void SetThreadCount( unsigned count ) {
        _threads = std::clamp( count, Config::min_threads,
                               Config::max_threads );

    inline void SyncOutput( unsigned index, const auto& function ) {
        std::unique_lock lock(_out_mutex);
        _cv.wait( lock, [=]{ return index == _out_sequence; });

    auto Make( const std::string_view& text, unsigned size, auto output ) {
        unsigned id = _id_ctr++;
        auto& proc = _proc[ _proc_ctr++ ];
        return [=, &proc]( ThreadMgr::Context& tdata ) {
            if( )
                this->SyncOutput( id, [&]{
                std::fwrite(, 1, text.size(), Config::output );
                output( size, tdata );

    auto Make( const std::string_view& text, unsigned size,
               auto generate, auto convert, auto output ) {
        unsigned work_count = std::clamp( size / _threads,
                                          Config::max_thread_buff );
        unsigned id = _id_ctr++;
        unsigned limit = id + (size / work_count) + (size % work_count != 0);
        _id_ctr = limit + 1;
        auto& proc = _proc[ _proc_ctr++ ];
        proc.index_reset = id + 1;

        return [=, &proc]( ThreadMgr::Context& tdata ) {
            if( )
                this->SyncOutput( id, [&] {
                std::fwrite(, 1, text.size(), Config::output );

            unsigned start_index = id + 1;
            while(true) {
                unsigned cvsize;
                    std::scoped_lock lock(_gen_mutex);
                        std::scoped_lock lock(proc.mtx);
                        if( proc.index > limit )
                        tdata.index = proc.index++;
                    cvsize = std::min( work_count, size -
                                       (((tdata.index - start_index)
                                         * work_count)) );
                    generate( cvsize, tdata );

                unsigned char_count = convert( cvsize, start_index,
                                               work_count, tdata );

                this->SyncOutput( tdata.index, [&] {
                    if( tdata.index == limit &&
                            tdata.cbuff[char_count-1] != '\n' )
                        tdata.cbuff[char_count++] = '\n';
                    output( char_count, tdata );

    void RunSequence( auto... f ){
        static_assert( sizeof...(f) <= Config::max_proc,
                       "function chain is too large, "
                       "increase Config::max_proc." );
        std::thread threads[ Config::max_threads ];

        _out_sequence = 0;
        _proc_ctr = 0;
        for( auto& i : _proc ) {
            i.once = true;
            i.index = i.index_reset;

        for( unsigned i = 0; i < _threads; ++i )
            threads[i] = std::thread( [=]{
                Context tdata = {0};
                (f( tdata ), ...);

        for( unsigned i = 0; i < _threads; ++i )
} gdata;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    static constexpr char alu[] =

    static constexpr std::array< std::pair< float, char >, 15> iub = {{
         { 0.27f, 'a' }, { 0.12f, 'c' }, { 0.12f, 'g' }, { 0.27f, 't' },
         { 0.02f, 'B' }, { 0.02f, 'D' }, { 0.02f, 'H' }, { 0.02f, 'K' },
         { 0.02f, 'M' }, { 0.02f, 'N' }, { 0.02f, 'R' }, { 0.02f, 'S' },
         { 0.02f, 'V' }, { 0.02f, 'W' }, { 0.02f, 'Y' }

    static constexpr std::array< std::pair< float, char >, 4> homosapiens = {{
         { 0.3029549426680f, 'a' },
         { 0.1979883004921f, 'c' },
         { 0.1975473066391f, 'g' },
         { 0.3015094502008f, 't' }

    static auto make_commulative = []( const auto& p ) {
        struct Ret {
            alignas(16) std::array< float, p.size() >  real;
            alignas(16) std::array< char, p.size() >  ch;
        } ret{{p[0].first}, {p[0].second}};

        for(unsigned i = 1; i < p.size(); ++i ) {
            ret.real[i] = ret.real[i-1] + p[i].first;
  [i] = p[i].second;
        return ret;

    static auto get_random = [] {
        static unsigned last = 42;
        return (last = (last * Config::ia + Config::ic) % Config::im);

    static auto convert = []( const auto& data, unsigned size,
            unsigned start_index, unsigned max_work,
            ThreadMgr::Context& tdata ) {
        auto iitr = tdata.ibuff.begin(), iend = iitr + size;
        auto citr = tdata.cbuff.begin();
        auto inner_loop = [&]( auto end ) {
            while( iitr != end ) {
                auto f = *iitr++ * Config::reciprocal;
                auto i = std::find_if( data.real.begin(),
                                       [f]( auto t ){ return f <= t; });
                *citr++ =[ i - data.real.begin() ];
            *citr++ = '\n';

        unsigned aligner_count = Config::chars_per_line -
                ((max_work * (tdata.index - start_index))
                 % Config::chars_per_line);

        if( aligner_count > 0 )
            inner_loop( iitr + aligner_count );

        unsigned odd_count = (iend - iitr) % Config::chars_per_line;
        auto iend_blocks = iend - odd_count;
        while( iitr < iend_blocks )
            inner_loop( iitr + Config::chars_per_line );

        if( odd_count ) {
            inner_loop( iitr + odd_count );
            citr -= 1;
        return citr - tdata.cbuff.begin();

    auto generate = []( unsigned size, ThreadMgr::Context& tdata ) {
        for( auto i = tdata.ibuff.begin(), end = i + size; i != end; ++i )
            *i = get_random();

    auto output = []( unsigned size, ThreadMgr::Context& tdata ) {
        std::fwrite(, 1, size, Config::output );

    auto alu_out = [&]( unsigned size, ThreadMgr::Context& ) {
        static constexpr auto alu_data = [&] {
            constexpr unsigned char_count = (Config::chars_per_line + 1)
                    * (sizeof(alu) - 1);

            std::array< char, char_count > ret{};
            for(unsigned i = 0, j = 0; i < char_count; ++i, ++j) {
                unsigned ul = std::min(i + Config::chars_per_line, char_count);
                for(; i < ul; ++i )
                    ret[i] = alu[ (i - j) % (sizeof(alu) - 1)];
                ret[i] = '\n';
            return ret;

        constexpr unsigned char_count = Config::chars_per_line *
                (sizeof(alu) - 1);
        for(; size >= char_count; size -= char_count )
            std::fwrite(, 1, alu_data.size(), Config::output );
        std::fwrite(, 1, size +
                     (size / Config::chars_per_line), Config::output );
        std::putc('\n', Config::output );

    auto iub_convert = []( unsigned size, unsigned start_index,
            unsigned max_work, ThreadMgr::Context& tdata ) {
        static constexpr auto iub_data = make_commulative( iub );
        return convert( iub_data, size, start_index, max_work, tdata  );

    auto homo_convert = []( unsigned size, unsigned start_index,
            unsigned max_work, ThreadMgr::Context& tdata ) {
        static constexpr auto hom_data = make_commulative( homosapiens );
        return convert( hom_data, size, start_index, max_work, tdata  );

    gdata.SetThreadCount( std::thread::hardware_concurrency() );

    unsigned n = std::max( 1000, std::atoi( argv[1] ) );

    const auto alu_proc = gdata.Make( ">ONE Homo sapiens alu\n",
                                      n * 2, alu_out );

    const auto iub_proc = gdata.Make( ">TWO IUB ambiguity codes\n",
                                      n * 3, generate, iub_convert, output );

    const auto homo_proc = gdata.Make( ">THREE Homo sapiens frequency\n",
                                       n * 5, generate, homo_convert, output );

    gdata.RunSequence( alu_proc, iub_proc, homo_proc );
    return 0;

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
Ubuntu 13.2.0-23ubuntu4

 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 02:14:38 GMT

/usr/bin/g++ -c -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=ivybridge  -std=c++20 fasta.gpp-7.c++ -o fasta.gpp-7.c++.o &&  \
        /usr/bin/g++ fasta.gpp-7.c++.o -o fasta.gpp-7.gpp_run -lpthread 
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In lambda function:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:66:25: warning: implicit capture of ‘this’ via ‘[=]’ is deprecated in C++20 [-Wdeprecated]
   66 |         _cv.wait( lock, [=]{ return index == _out_sequence; });
      |                         ^
fasta.gpp-7.c++:66:25: note: add explicit ‘this’ or ‘*this’ capture
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In lambda function:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:75:16: warning: implicit capture of ‘this’ via ‘[=]’ is deprecated in C++20 [-Wdeprecated]
   75 |         return [=, &proc]( ThreadMgr::Context& tdata ) {
      |                ^
fasta.gpp-7.c++:75:16: note: add explicit ‘this’ or ‘*this’ capture
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In lambda function:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:95:16: warning: implicit capture of ‘this’ via ‘[=]’ is deprecated in C++20 [-Wdeprecated]
   95 |         return [=, &proc]( ThreadMgr::Context& tdata ) {
      |                ^
fasta.gpp-7.c++:95:16: note: add explicit ‘this’ or ‘*this’ capture
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In instantiation of ‘struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:182:9:   required from ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)> [with auto:26 = std::array<std::pair<float, char>, 15>]’
fasta.gpp-7.c++:266:58:   required from here
fasta.gpp-7.c++:180:56: error: ‘p’ is not a constant expression
  180 |             alignas(16) std::array< float, p.size() >  real;
      |                                                        ^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:180:50: note: in template argument for type ‘long unsigned int’
  180 |             alignas(16) std::array< float, p.size() >  real;
      |                                            ~~~~~~^~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:181:55: error: ‘p’ is not a constant expression
  181 |             alignas(16) std::array< char, p.size() >  ch;
      |                                                       ^~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:181:49: note: in template argument for type ‘long unsigned int’
  181 |             alignas(16) std::array< char, p.size() >  ch;
      |                                           ~~~~~~^~
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In instantiation of ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)> [with auto:26 = std::array<std::pair<float, char>, 15>]’:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:266:58:   required from here
fasta.gpp-7.c++:182:11: error: too many initializers for ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’
  182 |         } ret{{p[0].first}, {p[0].second}};
      |           ^~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:185:17: error: ‘struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘real’
  185 |             ret.real[i] = ret.real[i-1] + p[i].first;
      |             ~~~~^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:185:31: error: ‘struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘real’
  185 |             ret.real[i] = ret.real[i-1] + p[i].first;
      |                           ~~~~^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:186:17: error: ‘struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘ch’
  186 |   [i] = p[i].second;
      |             ~~~~^~
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In lambda function:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:266:58: error: ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)> [with auto:26 = std::array<std::pair<float, char>, 15>]’ called in a constant expression
  266 |         static constexpr auto iub_data = make_commulative( iub );
      |                                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:178:36: note: ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)> [with auto:26 = std::array<std::pair<float, char>, 15>]’ is not usable as a ‘constexpr’ function because:
  178 |     static auto make_commulative = []( const auto& p ) {
      |                                    ^
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In instantiation of ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:27&, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, ThreadMgr::Context&)> [with auto:27 = main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret]’:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:267:23:   required from here
fasta.gpp-7.c++:204:45: error: ‘const struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘real’
  204 |                 auto i = std::find_if( data.real.begin(),
      |                                        ~~~~~^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:205:45: error: ‘const struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘real’
  205 |                                        data.real.end(),
      |                                        ~~~~~^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:207:32: error: ‘const struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘ch’
  207 |                 *citr++ =[ i - data.real.begin() ];
      |                           ~~~~~^~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:207:45: error: ‘const struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘real’
  207 |                 *citr++ =[ i - data.real.begin() ];
      |                                        ~~~~~^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In instantiation of ‘struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:182:9:   required from ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)> [with auto:26 = std::array<std::pair<float, char>, 4>]’
fasta.gpp-7.c++:272:58:   required from here
fasta.gpp-7.c++:180:56: error: ‘p’ is not a constant expression
  180 |             alignas(16) std::array< float, p.size() >  real;
      |                                                        ^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:180:50: note: in template argument for type ‘long unsigned int’
  180 |             alignas(16) std::array< float, p.size() >  real;
      |                                            ~~~~~~^~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:181:55: error: ‘p’ is not a constant expression
  181 |             alignas(16) std::array< char, p.size() >  ch;
      |                                                       ^~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:181:49: note: in template argument for type ‘long unsigned int’
  181 |             alignas(16) std::array< char, p.size() >  ch;
      |                                           ~~~~~~^~
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In instantiation of ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)> [with auto:26 = std::array<std::pair<float, char>, 4>]’:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:272:58:   required from here
fasta.gpp-7.c++:182:11: error: too many initializers for ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’
  182 |         } ret{{p[0].first}, {p[0].second}};
      |           ^~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:185:17: error: ‘struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘real’
  185 |             ret.real[i] = ret.real[i-1] + p[i].first;
      |             ~~~~^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:185:31: error: ‘struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘real’
  185 |             ret.real[i] = ret.real[i-1] + p[i].first;
      |                           ~~~~^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:186:17: error: ‘struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘ch’
  186 |   [i] = p[i].second;
      |             ~~~~^~
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In lambda function:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:272:58: error: ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)> [with auto:26 = std::array<std::pair<float, char>, 4>]’ called in a constant expression
  272 |         static constexpr auto hom_data = make_commulative( homosapiens );
      |                                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:178:36: note: ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)> [with auto:26 = std::array<std::pair<float, char>, 4>]’ is not usable as a ‘constexpr’ function because:
  178 |     static auto make_commulative = []( const auto& p ) {
      |                                    ^
fasta.gpp-7.c++: In instantiation of ‘main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:27&, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, ThreadMgr::Context&)> [with auto:27 = main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret]’:
fasta.gpp-7.c++:273:23:   required from here
fasta.gpp-7.c++:204:45: error: ‘const struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘real’
  204 |                 auto i = std::find_if( data.real.begin(),
      |                                        ~~~~~^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:205:45: error: ‘const struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘real’
  205 |                                        data.real.end(),
      |                                        ~~~~~^~~~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:207:32: error: ‘const struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘ch’
  207 |                 *citr++ =[ i - data.real.begin() ];
      |                           ~~~~~^~
fasta.gpp-7.c++:207:45: error: ‘const struct main(int, char**)::<lambda(const auto:26&)>::Ret’ has no member named ‘real’
  207 |                 *citr++ =[ i - data.real.begin() ];
      |                                        ~~~~~^~~~
make: [/home/dunham/all-benchmarksgame/2000-benchmarksgame/nanobench/makefiles/u64q.programs.Makefile:54: fasta.gpp-7.gpp_run] Error 1 (ignored)
rm fasta.gpp-7.c++

3.85s to complete and log all make actions

 ./fasta.gpp-7.gpp_run 250000