source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
converted to C++ from D by Rafal Rusin
modified by Vaclav Haisman
modified by The Anh to compile with g++ 4.3.2
modified by Branimir Maksimovic
modified by Kim Walisch
modified by Tavis Bohne
made multithreaded by Jeff Wofford on the model of fasta C gcc #7 and fasta Rust #2
modified by Noah L
compiles with gcc fasta.cpp -std=c++11 -O2
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <functional>
struct IUB
float p;
char c;
const std::string alu =
std::array<IUB, 15> iub =
{ {
{ 0.27f, 'a' },
{ 0.12f, 'c' },
{ 0.12f, 'g' },
{ 0.27f, 't' },
{ 0.02f, 'B' },
{ 0.02f, 'D' },
{ 0.02f, 'H' },
{ 0.02f, 'K' },
{ 0.02f, 'M' },
{ 0.02f, 'N' },
{ 0.02f, 'R' },
{ 0.02f, 'S' },
{ 0.02f, 'V' },
{ 0.02f, 'W' },
{ 0.02f, 'Y' }
} };
std::array<IUB, 4> homosapiens =
{ {
{ 0.3029549426680f, 'a' },
{ 0.1979883004921f, 'c' },
{ 0.1975473066391f, 'g' },
{ 0.3015094502008f, 't' }
} };
const int IM = 139968;
const float IM_RECIPROCAL = 1.0f / IM;
uint32_t gen_random()
static const int IA = 3877, IC = 29573;
static int last = 42;
last = (last * IA + IC) % IM;
return last;
char convert_trivial(char c)
return c;
template<class iterator_type>
class repeat_generator_type {
using result_t = char;
repeat_generator_type(iterator_type first, iterator_type last)
: first(first), current(first), last(last)
{ }
result_t operator()()
if (current == last)
current = first;
iterator_type p = current;
return *p;
iterator_type first;
iterator_type current;
iterator_type last;
template<class iterator_type>
make_repeat_generator(iterator_type first, iterator_type last)
return repeat_generator_type<iterator_type>(first, last);
template<class iterator_type>
char convert_random(uint32_t random, iterator_type begin, iterator_type end)
const float p = random * IM_RECIPROCAL;
auto result = std::find_if(begin, end, [p](IUB i) { return p <= i.p; });
return result->c;
char convert_IUB(uint32_t random)
return convert_random(random, iub.begin(), iub.end());
char convert_homosapiens(uint32_t random)
return convert_random(random, homosapiens.begin(), homosapiens.end());
template<class iterator_type>
class random_generator_type {
using result_t = uint32_t;
random_generator_type(iterator_type first, iterator_type last)
: first(first), last(last)
{ }
result_t operator()()
return gen_random();
iterator_type first;
iterator_type last;
template<class iterator_type>
make_random_generator(iterator_type first, iterator_type last)
return random_generator_type<iterator_type>(first, last);
template<class iterator_type>
void make_cumulative(iterator_type first, iterator_type last)
std::partial_sum(first, last, first,
[](IUB l, IUB r) -> IUB { r.p += l.p; return r; });
const size_t CHARS_PER_LINE = 60;
const size_t LINES_PER_BLOCK = 1024;
const unsigned THREADS_TO_USE = std::max(1U, std::min(4U, std::thread::hardware_concurrency()));
#define LOCK( mutex ) std::lock_guard< decltype( mutex ) > guard_{ mutex };
std::mutex g_fillMutex;
size_t g_fillThreadIndex = 0;
size_t g_totalValuesToGenerate = 0;
template<class iterator_type, class generator_type>
size_t fillBlock(size_t currentThread, iterator_type begin, generator_type& generator)
while (true)
if (currentThread == g_fillThreadIndex)
// Select the next thread for this work.
if (g_fillThreadIndex >= THREADS_TO_USE)
g_fillThreadIndex = 0;
// Do the work.
const size_t valuesToGenerate = std::min(g_totalValuesToGenerate, VALUES_PER_BLOCK);
g_totalValuesToGenerate -= valuesToGenerate;
for (size_t valuesRemaining = 0; valuesRemaining < valuesToGenerate; ++valuesRemaining)
*begin++ = generator();
return valuesToGenerate;
template<class BlockIter, class CharIter, class converter_type>
size_t convertBlock(BlockIter begin, BlockIter end, CharIter outCharacter, converter_type& converter)
const auto beginCharacter = outCharacter;
size_t col = 0;
for (; begin != end; ++begin)
const uint32_t random = *begin;
*outCharacter++ = converter(random);
if (++col >= CHARS_PER_LINE)
col = 0;
*outCharacter++ = '\n';
//Check if we need to end the line
if (0 != col)
//Last iteration didn't end the line, so finish the job.
*outCharacter++ = '\n';
return std::distance(beginCharacter, outCharacter);
std::mutex g_outMutex;
size_t g_outThreadIndex = 0/*-1*/;
template<class iterator_type>
void writeCharacters(size_t currentThread, iterator_type begin, size_t count)
while (true)
if (g_outThreadIndex == -1 || currentThread == g_outThreadIndex)
// Select the next thread for this work.
g_outThreadIndex = currentThread + 1;
if (g_outThreadIndex >= THREADS_TO_USE)
g_outThreadIndex = 0;
// Do the work.
std::fwrite(begin, count, 1, stdout);
template<class generator_type, class converter_type>
void work(size_t currentThread, generator_type& generator, converter_type& converter)
std::array< typename generator_type::result_t, VALUES_PER_BLOCK > block;
std::array< char, CHARS_PER_BLOCK_INCL_NEWLINES > characters;
while (true)
const auto bytesGenerated = fillBlock(currentThread, block.begin(), generator);
if (bytesGenerated == 0)
const auto charactersGenerated = convertBlock(block.begin(), block.begin() + bytesGenerated, characters.begin(), converter);
writeCharacters(currentThread,, charactersGenerated);
template <class generator_type, class converter_type >
void make(const char* desc, int n, generator_type generator, converter_type converter) {
std::cout << '>' << desc << '\n';
g_totalValuesToGenerate = n;
g_outThreadIndex = 0/*-1*/;
g_fillThreadIndex = 0;
std::vector< std::thread > threads(THREADS_TO_USE - 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < threads.size(); ++i)
threads[i] = std::thread{ std::bind(&work< generator_type, converter_type >, i, std::ref(generator), std::ref(converter)) };
work(threads.size(), generator, converter);
for (auto& thread : threads)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int n = 1000;
if (argc < 2 || (n = std::atoi(argv[1])) <= 0) {
std::cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " length\n";
return 1;
make_cumulative(iub.begin(), iub.end());
make_cumulative(homosapiens.begin(), homosapiens.end());
make("ONE Homo sapiens alu", n * 2,
make_repeat_generator(alu.begin(), alu.end()),
make("TWO IUB ambiguity codes", n * 3,
make_random_generator(iub.begin(), iub.end()),
make("THREE Homo sapiens frequency", n * 5,
make_random_generator(homosapiens.begin(), homosapiens.end()),
return 0;