source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
* contributed by The Go Authors.
* Based on C program by Joern Inge Vestgaarden
* and Jorge Peixoto de Morais Neto.
* flag.Arg hack by Isaac Gouy
* parallel implementation by Chris Bainbridge
package main
import (
var out *bufio.Writer
const WIDTH = 60 // Fold lines after WIDTH bytes
const LINES = 1024 // Lines to be processed at a time
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
type AminoAcid struct {
p float64
c byte
func AccumulateProbabilities(genelist []AminoAcid) {
for i := 1; i < len(genelist); i++ {
genelist[i].p += genelist[i-1].p
for i := 0; i < len(genelist); i++ {
genelist[i].p *= IM
// RepeatFasta prints the characters of the byte slice s. When it
// reaches the end of the slice, it goes back to the beginning.
// It stops after generating count characters.
// After each WIDTH characters it prints a newline.
// It assumes that WIDTH <= len(s) + 1.
func RepeatFasta(s []byte, count int) {
pos := 0
s2 := make([]byte, len(s)+WIDTH)
copy(s2, s)
copy(s2[len(s):], s)
for count > 0 {
line := min(WIDTH, count)
out.Write(s2[pos : pos+line])
pos += line
if pos >= len(s) {
pos -= len(s)
count -= line
var lastrandom uint32 = 42
const (
IM = 139968
IA = 3877
IC = 29573
// Each element of genelist is a struct with a character and
// a floating point number p between 0 and 1.
// RandomFasta generates a random float r and
// finds the first element such that p >= r.
// This is a weighted random selection.
// RandomFasta then prints the character of the array element.
// This sequence is repeated count times.
// Between each WIDTH consecutive characters, the function prints a newline.
func RandomFasta(genelist []AminoAcid, count int) {
var rng sync.Mutex
threads := runtime.NumCPU()
c0 := make(chan bool, 1)
c0 <- true
c1 := make(chan bool, 1)
cs := make(chan bool)
for thread := 0; thread < threads; thread++ {
go func() {
var block [BLKLEN]uint32
buf := make([]byte, BLKLEN+LINES)
for {
if count == 0 {
line := min(BLKLEN, count)
count -= line
// generate random number block
for pos := 0; pos < line; pos++ {
lastrandom = (lastrandom*IA + IC) % IM
block[pos] = lastrandom
c0x := c0
c1x := c1
countx := count
c0 = c1
c1 = make(chan bool, 1)
// convert random block to aminoacid block
j := 0
for i := 0; i < line; i++ {
if i > 0 && i%WIDTH == 0 {
buf[j] = '\n'
r := float64(int(block[i]))
for _, v := range genelist {
if v.p >= r {
buf[j] = v.c
// fix len of buf (final block is shorter)
buf[j] = '\n'
if len(buf) != j {
buf = buf[:j]
// print buf
if countx != 0 {
c1x <- true
} else {
cs <- true
func main() {
out = bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
defer out.Flush()
n := 0
if flag.NArg() > 0 {
n, _ = strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0))
iub := []AminoAcid{
AminoAcid{0.27, 'a'},
AminoAcid{0.12, 'c'},
AminoAcid{0.12, 'g'},
AminoAcid{0.27, 't'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'B'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'D'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'H'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'K'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'M'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'N'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'R'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'S'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'V'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'W'},
AminoAcid{0.02, 'Y'},
homosapiens := []AminoAcid{
AminoAcid{0.3029549426680, 'a'},
AminoAcid{0.1979883004921, 'c'},
AminoAcid{0.1975473066391, 'g'},
AminoAcid{0.3015094502008, 't'},
alu := []byte(
out.WriteString(">ONE Homo sapiens alu\n")
RepeatFasta(alu, 2*n)
out.WriteString(">TWO IUB ambiguity codes\n")
RandomFasta(iub, 3*n)
out.WriteString(">THREE Homo sapiens frequency\n")
RandomFasta(homosapiens, 5*n)