source code
% The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
% contributed by Fredrik Svahn
-define(LINELEN, 60).
-define(IM, 139968).
-define(IC, 29573).
-define(IA, 3877).
-define(IUB, [{$a, 0.27}, {$c, 0.12}, {$g, 0.12}, {$t, 0.27}, {$B, 0.02}, {$D, 0.02}, {$H, 0.02}, {$K, 0.02}, {$M, 0.02}, {$N, 0.02}, {$R, 0.02}, {$S, 0.02}, {$V, 0.02}, {$W, 0.02}, {$Y, 0.02}]).
-define(HS, [{$a, 0.3029549426680}, {$c, 0.1979883004921}, {$g, 0.1975473066391}, {$t, 0.3015094502008}]).
main([Arg]) ->
put(port, open_port({fd,0,1}, [out, binary])),
Seed = 42,
N = list_to_integer(Arg),
print(<<">ONE Homo sapiens alu\n">>),
cycle(?ALU, N*2, [], 0),
print(<<">TWO IUB ambiguity codes\n">>),
NewSeed = rand(mk_list(?IUB), ?LINELEN, N*3, [], Seed, [], 0),
print(<<">THREE Homo sapiens frequency\n">>),
rand(mk_list(?HS), ?LINELEN, N*5, [], NewSeed, [],0),
%Newline every LINELEN char, however io is expensive so we want to buffer
%up a few lines before printing. 16 lines in buffer seem to be fastest.
cycle(Seq, Total, RowBuf, _) when Total < ?LINELEN ->
<<Seq1:Total/binary, _/binary>> = <<Seq/binary, ?ALU/binary>>,
print(<<Seq1/binary, "\n">>);
cycle(Seq, Total, RowBuf, RowBufSize) when RowBufSize == 16 ->
cycle(Seq, Total, [], 0);
cycle(Seq, Total, RowBuf, RowBufSize ) when size(Seq) < ?LINELEN ->
<<Seq1:?LINELEN/binary, Seq2/binary>> = <<Seq/binary, ?ALU/binary>>,
cycle(Seq2, Total-?LINELEN, [<<Seq1/binary,"\n">>| RowBuf], RowBufSize+1);
cycle(Seq, Total, RowBuf, RowBufSize) ->
<<Seq1:?LINELEN/binary, Seq2/binary>> = Seq,
cycle(Seq2, Total-?LINELEN, [<<Seq1/binary,"\n">>| RowBuf], RowBufSize+1).
rand(_, _, 0, List, Seed, RowBuf, _) ->
LastLine = lists:reverse(["\n" | List]),
reverse_print([LastLine | RowBuf]),
rand(Freq, 0, Total, List, Seed, RowBuf, RowBufSize) when RowBufSize == 16 ->
Line = lists:reverse(["\n" | List]),
reverse_print([Line | RowBuf]),
rand(Freq, ?LINELEN, Total, [], Seed, [], 0);
rand(Freq, 0, Total, List, Seed, RowBuf, RowBufSize) ->
Line = lists:reverse(["\n" | List]),
rand(Freq, ?LINELEN, Total, [], Seed, [ Line | RowBuf], RowBufSize + 1);
rand(Freq, LineLen, Total, List, Seed, RowBuf, RowBufSize) ->
{Rand, NewSeed} = random(Seed),
Base = get_base(Freq, Rand),
rand(Freq, LineLen-1, Total-1, [Base | List], NewSeed, RowBuf, RowBufSize).
random(Seed) ->
NewSeed = (Seed * ?IA + ?IC) rem ?IM,
{trunc(NewSeed / ?IM * ?PREC), NewSeed}.
get_base([{Base, _}], _P) -> Base;
get_base([{Base, Freq}|_], P) when P < Freq -> Base;
get_base([{_, _} | Rest], P) -> get_base(Rest, P).
%Floats are expensive and we want to avoid dealing with floats in get_base/1.
%Precalculate list of accumulated integers
mk_list(Probs)-> lists:reverse(mk_list(Probs, 0, [])).
mk_list([{B, P}], AccP, AccL)-> [{B, AccP + trunc(P*?PREC)}| AccL];
mk_list([{B, P}|T], AccP, AccL)->
mk_list(T, AccP + trunc(P*?PREC), [{B, AccP + trunc(P*?PREC)}| AccL]).
print(List) -> port_command(get(port), List).
reverse_print(List) -> port_command(get(port), lists:reverse(List)).