source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
contributed by Brad Chamberlain
derived from the GNU C version by Аноним Легионов and Jeremy Zerfas
as well as previous Chapel versions by Casey Battaglino, Kyle Brady,
and Preston Sahabu.
config const n = 1000, // the length of the generated strings
lineLength = 60, // the number of columns in the output
blockSize = 1024, // the parallelization granularity
numTasks = min(4, here.maxTaskPar); // how many tasks to use?
config type randType = uint(32); // type to use for random numbers
config param IM = 139968, // parameters for random number generation
IA = 3877,
IC = 29573,
seed: randType = 42;
// Nucleotide definitions
enum nucleotide {
A = "A".toByte(), C = "C".toByte(), G = "G".toByte(), T = "T".toByte(),
a = "a".toByte(), c = "c".toByte(), g = "g".toByte(), t = "t".toByte(),
B = "B".toByte(), D = "D".toByte(), H = "H".toByte(), K = "K".toByte(),
M = "M".toByte(), N = "N".toByte(), R = "R".toByte(), S = "S".toByte(),
V = "V".toByte(), W = "W".toByte(), Y = "Y".toByte()
use nucleotide;
// Sequence to be repeated
const ALU: [0..286] nucleotide = [
G, G, C, C, G, G, G, C, G, C, G, G, T, G, G, C, T, C, A, C,
G, C, C, T, G, T, A, A, T, C, C, C, A, G, C, A, C, T, T, T,
G, G, G, A, G, G, C, C, G, A, G, G, C, G, G, G, C, G, G, A,
T, C, A, C, C, T, G, A, G, G, T, C, A, G, G, A, G, T, T, C,
G, A, G, A, C, C, A, G, C, C, T, G, G, C, C, A, A, C, A, T,
G, G, T, G, A, A, A, C, C, C, C, G, T, C, T, C, T, A, C, T,
A, A, A, A, A, T, A, C, A, A, A, A, A, T, T, A, G, C, C, G,
G, G, C, G, T, G, G, T, G, G, C, G, C, G, C, G, C, C, T, G,
T, A, A, T, C, C, C, A, G, C, T, A, C, T, C, G, G, G, A, G,
G, C, T, G, A, G, G, C, A, G, G, A, G, A, A, T, C, G, C, T,
T, G, A, A, C, C, C, G, G, G, A, G, G, C, G, G, A, G, G, T,
T, G, C, A, G, T, G, A, G, C, C, G, A, G, A, T, C, G, C, G,
C, C, A, C, T, G, C, A, C, T, C, C, A, G, C, C, T, G, G, G,
C, G, A, C, A, G, A, G, C, G, A, G, A, C, T, C, C, G, T, C,
T, C, A, A, A, A, A
// Probability tables for sequences to be randomly generated
const IUB = [(a, 0.27), (c, 0.12), (g, 0.12), (t, 0.27),
(B, 0.02), (D, 0.02), (H, 0.02), (K, 0.02),
(M, 0.02), (N, 0.02), (R, 0.02), (S, 0.02),
(V, 0.02), (W, 0.02), (Y, 0.02)];
const HomoSapiens = [(a, 0.3029549426680),
(c, 0.1979883004921),
(g, 0.1975473066391),
(t, 0.3015094502008)];
proc main() {
repeatMake(">ONE Homo sapiens alu", ALU, 2*n);
randomMake(">TWO IUB ambiguity codes", IUB, 3*n);
randomMake(">THREE Homo sapiens frequency", HomoSapiens, 5*n);
// Create lock-free version of 'stdout' for efficiency
use IO;
const stdout = (new file(1)).writer(locking=false);
// Repeat 'alu' to generate a sequence of length 'n'
proc repeatMake(desc, alu, n) {
const r = alu.size,
s = [i in 0..(r+lineLength)] alu[i % r]: int(8);
for i in 0..n by lineLength {
const lo = i % r,
len = min(lineLength, n-i);
// Use 'nuclInfo's probability distribution to generate a random
// sequence of length 'n'
proc randomMake(desc, nuclInfo: [?nuclInds], n) {
// compute the cumulative probabilities of the nucleotides
var cumulProb: [nuclInds] randType,
p = 0.0;
for (cp, (_,prob)) in zip(cumulProb, nuclInfo) {
p += prob;
cp = 1 + (p*IM): randType;
param newline = "\n".toByte();
// guard when tasks can access the random numbers or output stream
var randGo, outGo: [0..#numTasks] atomic int;
// create tasks to pipeline the RNG, computation, and output
coforall tid in 0..#numTasks {
const chunkSize = lineLength*blockSize,
nextTid = (tid + 1) % numTasks;
var myBuff: [0..#(lineLength+1)*blockSize] int(8),
myRands: [0..chunkSize] randType;
// iterate over 0..n-1 in a round-robin fashion across tasks
for i in tid*chunkSize..n-1 by numTasks*chunkSize {
const numBytes = min(chunkSize, n-i);
// Get 'numBytes' random numbers in a coordinated manner
getRands(numBytes, myRands);
// Compute 'numBytes' nucleotides and store in 'myBuff'
var col = 0,
off = 0;
for r in myRands[..<numBytes] {
var nid = 0;
for p in cumulProb do
nid += (r >= p);
const (nucl,_) = nuclInfo[nid];
myBuff[off] = nucl: int(8);
off += 1;
col += 1;
if (col == lineLength) {
col = 0;
myBuff[off] = newline;
off += 1;
if (col != 0) {
myBuff[off] = newline;
off += 1;
// Write the output in a coordinated manner
// Deterministic random number generator
var lastRand = seed;
proc getRands(n, ref arr) {
for i in 0..#n {
lastRand = (lastRand * IA + IC) % IM;
arr[i] = lastRand;