fannkuch-redux Java #8 program
source code
/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
Naive transliteration from Rex Kerr's Scala program
contributed by Isaac Gouy
public final class fannkuchredux {
public static int fannkuch(int n) {
var perm1 = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) perm1[i] = i;
var perm = new int[n];
var count = new int[n];
int f = 0, flips = 0, nperm = 0, checksum = 0;
int i, k, r;
r = n;
while (r > 0) {
i = 0;
while (r != 1) { count[r-1] = r; r -= 1; }
while (i < n) { perm[i] = perm1[i]; i += 1; }
// Count flips and update max and checksum
f = 0;
k = perm[0];
while (k != 0) {
i = 0;
while (2*i < k) {
int t = perm[i]; perm[i] = perm[k-i]; perm[k-i] = t;
i += 1;
k = perm[0];
f += 1;
if (f > flips) flips = f;
if ((nperm & 0x1) == 0) checksum += f; else checksum -= f;
// Use incremental change to generate another permutation
var more = true;
while (more) {
if (r == n) {
System.out.println( checksum );
return flips;
int p0 = perm1[0];
i = 0;
while (i < r) {
int j = i + 1;
perm1[i] = perm1[j];
i = j;
perm1[r] = p0;
count[r] -= 1;
if (count[r] > 0) more = false; else r += 1;
nperm += 1;
return flips;
public static void main(String[] args){
int n = (args.length > 0)
? Integer.parseInt(args[0])
: 7;
System.out.println("Pfannkuchen("+ n +") = "+fannkuch(n));
notes, command-line, and program output
64-bit Ubuntu quad core
java 23 2024-09-17
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
(build 23+37-2369,
mixed mode, sharing)
Mon, 17 Feb 2025 06:42:56 GMT
mv fannkuchredux.javavm-8.javavm
/opt/src/jdk-23/bin/javac -d . -cp .
1.65 seconds to complete and log all make actions
/opt/src/jdk-23/bin/java -cp . fannkuchredux 12
Pfannkuchen(12) = 65