source code
! The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
! Code by Andrei Jirnyi; modified from my earlier submission.
! thanks to Gilbert Brietzke for the previous Fortran code,
! and to other submitters for their work
! Compilation:
! - single-core: ifort -fast fannkuch3.f90
! - multi-core: ifort -fast -openmp fannkuch3.f90
program fannkuch
use iso_fortran_env
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer,parameter :: ILONG = 8, ISHORT = 1, MAXL = 7
integer :: NP, maxfk, cksum = 0, current = 0
integer(ILONG) ::NQ
integer(ISHORT), allocatable :: blk(:,:), cnt(:)
logical ::saveblk = .true.
character(len=2) :: arg
character(len=20) :: out
logical :: WR = .false., WR1 = .false.
WR1 = WR1 .or. WR
call get_command_argument(1,arg)
read(arg,'(I2)') NP
NQ = factorial(MAXL)/MAXL
cnt = 0
call fkcompute(NP)
write(out,'(i15)') cksum-2
write(*,'(a)') trim(adjustl(out))
write(*,'(3a,i3)') 'Pfannkuchen(',trim(adjustl(arg)),') =',maxfk
function factorial(n)
integer n, factorial, i
factorial = 1
do i=1,n
factorial = factorial*i
end do
end function factorial
subroutine fkcompute(NP)
integer :: NP
integer(ILONG) :: bsize
integer :: i,k,k1
integer(ISHORT), dimension(NP) :: base,oldbase
integer :: numblk, ii, nshift
integer :: maxlevel
integer(ISHORT),allocatable :: bases(:,:)
integer ::icksum, imaxfk
base = [(i,i=1,NP)]
blk(:,1) = base;
k = 2;
bsize = 1;
maxfk = 0;
nshift = 1
maxlevel = min(MAXL,NP); ! max block level
do i=2,NP ! rot count
current = i
if(i>=maxlevel) saveblk = .false.
if(i<=maxlevel) then
numblk = i-1
nshift = i
bsize = bsize*(i-1)
numblk = (i-1)*factorial(i-1)/bsize
end if
oldbase = base
do ii=1, numblk
call baseshift(base, nshift)
bases(:,ii) = base
end do
!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(ii,k1,icksum,imaxfk) &
!$omp& if(numblk>1000) schedule(guided) &
!$omp& reduction(+:cksum) reduction(max: maxfk)
do ii = 1, numblk
k1 = k+bsize*(ii-1)
if(saveblk) then
call writeblk(blk(1,k1),blk(1,1),bases(1,ii),bsize)
end if
call procblk(blk(1,1),bases(1,ii),bsize,icksum,imaxfk)
cksum = cksum+icksum
maxfk = max(maxfk, imaxfk)
end do
!$omp end parallel do
k = k+bsize*numblk
if(saveblk) then
base = oldbase
cnt(nshift) = cnt(nshift)+1
end if
end do
end subroutine fkcompute
recursive subroutine baseshift(base, n)
integer(ISHORT) :: base(NP)
integer :: n
base(1:n) = cshift(base(1:n), 1)
cnt(n) = cnt(n) +1
if(cnt(n) >= n) then
cnt(n) = 0
if(n == NP) return
call baseshift(base, n+1)
end if
end subroutine baseshift
subroutine procblk(mult,base,bsize,icksum,imaxfk)
integer(ILONG) :: bsize
integer(ISHORT) :: base(NP),mult(NP,bsize)
integer(ISHORT) :: line(NP), t, t1
integer :: j, ii, iii, icksum, imaxfk
icksum = 0
imaxfk = 0
do iii=1,bsize
line = base(mult(:,iii));
j = 0
t = line(1)
do while(t /= 1) ! flip till line(1)==1
do ii=1,ishft(t,-1) ! do the flip
t1 = line(ii)
line(ii) = line(t+1-ii)
line(t+1-ii) = t1
end do
t = line(1)
j = j+1
end do
imaxfk = max(imaxfk, j)
icksum = icksum+j*(ishft(mod(iii,2),1)-1)
end do
end subroutine procblk
subroutine writeblk(blk,mult,base,bsize);
integer(ILONG) :: bsize
integer(ISHORT) :: blk(NP*bsize),mult(NP*bsize),base(NP)
blk = base(mult);
end subroutine writeblk
end program fannkuch