The Computer Language
24.09 Benchmarks Game

fannkuch-redux Classic Fortran program

source code

! The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
! converted to fortran by Gilbert Brietzke on 31. Januar 2011
! from C-code by Joseph Piché as a conversion
! from Java version by Oleg Mazurov and Isaac Gouy

program fannkuch

  implicit none

  integer :: n,checksum,maxFlipsCount
  character(len=2) :: arg
  character(len=10) :: out
  call get_command_argument(1,arg);read(arg,'(I2)')n
  call fannkuchredux(n,checksum,maxFlipsCount)
  write(out,'(I10)') checksum;
  write(*,'(A)') trim(adjustl(out))
  write(out,'(I10)') maxFlipsCount;
  write(*,'(A)') 'Pfannkuchen('//trim(adjustl(arg))//') = '//trim(adjustl(out))


  subroutine fannkuchredux(n,checksum,maxFlipsCount)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: n
    integer, intent(out) :: maxFlipsCount,checksum
    integer :: perm(0:n-1),perm1(0:n-1),icount(0:n-1);
    integer :: i,r,temp,k,perm0,permCount = 0,flipsCount = 0;
    checksum = 0;  maxFlipsCount = 0;
    do i = 0,n-1
       perm1(i)= i;
    do while (.true.)
       do while (r /= 1)
          icount(r-1)=r; r=r-1;
       end do
       perm = perm1; flipsCount = 0;
       do while (perm(0)/=0) 
          k = perm(0)
          do  i=0,ishft(k+1,-1)-1
             temp = perm(i); perm(i) = perm(k-i); perm(k-i) = temp;
          flipsCount = flipsCount + 1;
       end do
       maxFlipsCount = max(maxFlipsCount,flipsCount);
       if (modulo(permCount,2) == 0)then
          checksum = checksum + flipsCount
          checksum = checksum - flipsCount
       end if
       do while (.true.)
          if (r==n) return
          perm0 = perm1(0); i = 0;
          do while (i < r) 
             perm1(i) = perm1(i + 1); i = i + 1;
          end do
          perm1(r) = perm0;
          icount(r) = icount(r) - 1;
          if (icount(r) > 0) exit;
          r = r + 1;
       end do
       permCount = permCount + 1;
    end do
  end subroutine fannkuchredux
end program fannkuch

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
Fortran Compiler Classic
2021.12.0 20240222

 Mon, 03 Jun 2024 19:36:06 GMT

mv fannkuchredux.ifc fannkuchredux.f90
~/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/bin/ifort -O3 -march=ivybridge -ipo -static -qopenmp fannkuchredux.f90 -o fannkuchredux.ifc_run
ifort: remark #10448: Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort) is now deprecated and will be discontinued late 2024. Intel recommends that customers transition now to using the LLVM-based Intel(R) Fortran Compiler (ifx) for continued Windows* and Linux* support, new language support, new language features, and optimizations. Use '-diag-disable=10448' to disable this message.
ipo: warning #11021: unresolved __ehdr_start
        Referenced in libc.a(dl-support.o)
ld: /home/dunham/intel/oneapi/compiler/2024.1/lib/libifcoremt.a(for_close_proc.o): in function `for__close_proc':
for_close_proc.c:(.text+0x1df): warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
rm fannkuchredux.f90

2.98s to complete and log all make actions

 ./fannkuchredux.ifc_run 12

Pfannkuchen(12) = 65