The Computer Language
25.03 Benchmarks Game

fannkuch-redux Go #3 program

source code

 * The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
 * contributed by Oleg Mazurov, June 2010
 * flag.Arg hack by Isaac Gouy
 * Stack allocation and atomic synchronization by Jan Pfeifer (2020)

package main

import (

// Constant maximum size for N. Compile time known value allow us to allocate
// arrays in stack. It helps making it multiple of 64bits and memory aligned
// (hence 16).
const MAX_N = 16

var (
    NCHUNKS = 720
    CHUNKSZ = 0
    NTASKS  = 0

    n    = 12
    Fact []int

    // Accumulated results.
    res = int64(0)
    chk = int64(0)

func fannkuch(idxMin int, ch chan bool) {
    idxMax := idxMin + CHUNKSZ
    if idxMax < Fact[n] {
        go fannkuch(idxMax, ch)
    } else {
        idxMax = Fact[n]

    // Stack allocation.
    var p, pp, count [MAX_N]int

    // First permutation.
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
        p[i] = i
    for i, idx := n-1, idxMin; i > 0; i-- {
        d := idx / Fact[i]
        count[i] = d
        idx = idx % Fact[i]

        copy(pp[:], p[:]) // One could copy only p[:n], but it is slower.
        for j := 0; j <= i; j++ {
            if j+d <= i {
                p[j] = pp[j+d]
            } else {
                p[j] = pp[j+d-i-1]

    maxFlips := 1
    checkSum := 0

    for idx, sign := idxMin, true; ; sign = !sign {

        // Count flips.
        first := p[0]
        if first != 0 {
            flips := 1
            if p[first] != 0 {
                copy(pp[:], p[:])
                p0 := first
                for {
                    for i, j := 1, p0-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
                        pp[i], pp[j] = pp[j], pp[i]
                    t := pp[p0]
                    pp[p0] = p0
                    p0 = t
                    if pp[p0] == 0 {
            if maxFlips < flips {
                maxFlips = flips
            if sign {
                checkSum += flips
            } else {
                checkSum -= flips

        if idx++; idx == idxMax {

        // Next permutation.
        if sign {
            p[0], p[1] = p[1], first
        } else {
            p[1], p[2] = p[2], p[1]
            for k := 2; ; k++ {
                if count[k]++; count[k] <= k {
                count[k] = 0
                for j := 0; j <= k; j++ {
                    p[j] = p[j+1]
                p[k+1] = first
                first = p[0]

    // Atomic update.
    atomic.AddInt64(&chk, int64(checkSum))
    newFlips := int64(maxFlips)
    for newFlips > res {
        newFlips = atomic.SwapInt64(&res, newFlips)
    ch <- true

func printResult(n int, res int64, chk int64) {
    fmt.Printf("%d\nPfannkuchen(%d) = %d\n", chk, n, res)

func main() {
    if flag.NArg() == 1 {
        n, _ = strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0))
    if n > MAX_N {
        log.Fatalf("Max value accepted for N: %d", MAX_N)

    Fact = make([]int, n+1)
    Fact[0] = 1
    for i := 1; i < len(Fact); i++ {
        Fact[i] = Fact[i-1] * i

    CHUNKSZ = (Fact[n] + NCHUNKS - 1) / NCHUNKS
    NTASKS = (Fact[n] + CHUNKSZ - 1) / CHUNKSZ

    ch := make(chan bool, NTASKS)
    go fannkuch(0, ch)

    // Wait for all results to be calculated.
    for i := 0; i < NTASKS; i++ {

    printResult(n, res, chk)

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
go version go1.23.1 linux/amd64

 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 21:48:24 GMT

/opt/src/go1.23.1/go/bin/go build -o fannkuchredux.go-3.go_run fannkuchredux.go-3.go

5.31s to complete and log all make actions

 ./fannkuchredux.go-3.go_run 12

Pfannkuchen(12) = 65