source code
///* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// Contributed by Thom Kiesewetter based on C Gcc #6
// which in turn was based C++ g++ #6" by Ilya Kurdyukov,
// which in turn was based on the C Gcc #6 by Andrei Simion (with patch from Vincent Yu)
// which in turn was based on the C++ program by Dave Compton,
// which in turn was based on the C program by Jeremy Zerfasm
// which in turn was based on the Ada program by Jonathan Parker and
// Georg Bauhaus which in turn was based on code by Dave Fladebo,
// Eckehard Berns, Heiner Marxen, Hongwei Xi, and The Anh Tran and
// also the Java program by Oleg Mazurov.
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
public class Program
private const int MAX_N = 16;
private static readonly int[] _factorials = new int[MAX_N + 1];
private static int _n;
private static int _checksum;
private static byte _maxFlips;
private static int _blockCount;
private static int _blockSize;
private static void Main(string[] args)
_n = args.Length > 0 ? int.Parse(args[0]) : 12;
// Start Setup
var factorials = _factorials;
factorials[0] = 1;
var factN = 1;
for (var x = 0; x < MAX_N;)
factN *= ++x;
factorials[x] = factN;
// End Setup
// Thread Setup
var nThreads = 4;
var maxBlocks = 96 / 4;
_blockCount = maxBlocks * nThreads;
_blockSize = factorials[_n] / _blockCount;
var threads = new Thread[nThreads];
for (var i = 1; i < nThreads; i++)
(threads[i] = new Thread(() => pfannkuchThread()) { IsBackground = true, Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest }).Start();
for (var i = 1; i < threads.Length; i++)
Console.Out.WriteLineAsync(_checksum+ "\nPfannkuchen(" + _n + ") = " + _maxFlips);
private static void pfannkuchThread()
var masks_shift = new Vector128<byte>[16];
var c0 = Vector128<byte>.Zero;
var c1 = Vector128.Create((byte)1);
var ramp = Vector128.Create((byte)0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
var ramp1 = Sse2.ShiftRightLogical128BitLane(ramp, 1);
var vX = Sse2.Subtract(c0, ramp);
var old = ramp;
for (var x = 0; x < MAX_N; x++)
var v2 = Sse41.BlendVariable(vX, ramp, vX);
var v1 = Sse41.BlendVariable(ramp1, v2, Sse2.Subtract(vX, c1));
old = Ssse3.Shuffle(old, v1);
masks_shift[x] = old;
vX = Sse2.Add(vX, c1);
var checksum = 0;
var maxFlips = 0;
int blockId;
var n = _n;
var factorials = _factorials;
var blockSize = _blockSize;
while ((blockId = Interlocked.Decrement(ref _blockCount)) >= 0)
// First permutation in block
var next = ramp;
var i = n;
var j = blockSize * blockId;
var countVector = c0;
var blockLeft = blockSize;
var mask = Sse2.Subtract(ramp, Vector128.Create((byte)i));
while (i-- > 0)
var d = j / factorials[i];
j -= d * factorials[i];
var v2 = Vector128.Create((byte)d);
countVector = Ssse3.AlignRight(countVector, v2, 15);
var v1 = Sse2.Add(ramp, v2);
var v0 = Sse2.Add(mask, v2); // ramp - i + d
v0 = Sse41.BlendVariable(v0, v1, v0);
v2 = Ssse3.Shuffle(next, v0);
next = Sse41.BlendVariable(next, v2, mask);
mask = Sse2.Add(mask, c1);
var current = next;
var v0 = Sse2.Subtract(countVector, ramp);
var bits = BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(Sse2.MoveMask(v0));
v0 = Vector128.Create((byte)bits);
var v1 = Sse2.AndNot(Sse2.CompareGreaterThan(v0.AsSByte(), ramp.AsSByte()).AsByte(), countVector);
countVector = Sse2.Subtract(v1, Sse2.CompareEqual(v0, ramp));
next = Ssse3.Shuffle(next, masks_shift[bits]);
var first = Sse2.ConvertToInt32(current.AsInt32());
var flips = 0;
var v3 = Ssse3.Shuffle(current, c0);
while ((first & 0xff) != 0)
v0 = Sse2.Subtract(v3, ramp);
v3 = Ssse3.Shuffle(current, v3);
v0 = Sse41.BlendVariable(v0, ramp, v0);
current = Ssse3.Shuffle(current, v0);
first = Sse2.ConvertToInt32(v3.AsInt32());
checksum += flips;
if (flips > maxFlips) maxFlips = flips;
if (blockLeft == 0) break;
current = next;
v0 = Sse2.Subtract(countVector, ramp);
bits = (byte)BitOperations.TrailingZeroCount(Sse2.MoveMask(v0));
v0 = Vector128.Create((byte)bits);
v1 = Sse2.AndNot(Sse2.CompareGreaterThan(v0.AsSByte(), ramp.AsSByte()).AsByte(), countVector);
countVector = Sse2.Subtract(v1, Sse2.CompareEqual(v0, ramp));
next = Ssse3.Shuffle(next, masks_shift[bits]);
first = Sse2.ConvertToInt32(current.AsInt32());
var flips = 0;
var v3 = Ssse3.Shuffle(current, c0);
while ((first & 0xff) != 0)
v0 = Sse2.Subtract(v3, ramp);
v3 = Ssse3.Shuffle(current, v3);
v0 = Sse41.BlendVariable(v0, ramp, v0);
current = Ssse3.Shuffle(current, v0);
first = Sse2.ConvertToInt32(v3.AsInt32());
checksum -= flips;
if (flips > maxFlips) maxFlips = flips;
} while (blockLeft != 0);
Interlocked.Add(ref _checksum, checksum);
if (maxFlips > _maxFlips) _maxFlips = (byte)maxFlips;
if (maxFlips > _maxFlips) _maxFlips = (byte)maxFlips;